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Добавлен: 03.11.2019
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Lesson 10 ^199
years mankind had accumulated knowledge in surgery, but real
development in this field of medicine started only in
the 19th century. 6. By the end of the week we shall have explored
surgically the posterior tibial artery.
Упражнение 2. Образуйте 2 пары предложений от данных ниже: а) с
глаголом-сказуемым в PresentPerfect (Active, Passive); б) с глаголом-
сказуемым в PastPerfect (Active, Passive) согласно образцу.
Образец: The nurse (to dress) the patient's wound.
The nurse has dressed the patient's wound. The pa-
tient's wound has been dressed by the nurse.
The nurse had dressed the patient's wound. The pa-
tient's wound had been dressed by the nurse.
1. The teacher (to demonstrate) open fracture of the thorax. 2. The
physician (to examine) the boy with osteomyelitis. 3. He (to apply) plaster of
Paris cast. 4. The students (to see) patients with a complicated fracture.
Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосоче-
heart, coronary, contraction, approximately, surface, diabetic, per cent,
angina pectoris, obesity, fortunately, degenerative, severity
Упражнение 4. Запомните значение суффикса -ness. Образуйте суще-
ствительные от следующих прилагательных согласно модели и
переведите их.
Прилагательное + -ness= существительное со значением качества
или состояния: acuteострый —acutenessострота. ill, sick, excessive,
distinctive, calm
Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите следующие гнезда слов.
1. to expert — experience, experienced; 2. to die — death, deadly,
dying; 3. to cease — cessation, ceaseless; 4. to obstruct — obstructive,
obstruction; 5. to recover - recovery, recoverable
Упражнение 6. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.
to recover sight (hearing, voice, one's breath, consciousness); dead-
born; to experience pain; an obstruction in the throat
200<>Learning to Understand a Medical Text
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^ пражнение 7. Просмотрите текст А и изложите основные факты
Text A Coronary Heart Disease
1. The coronary blood vessels surrounding the heart have derived
their n.ime from the fact that they encircle the heart like a crown, or
corona. I hese vessels transport almost a half pint of blood every minute
over the nrface of the heart. Any sudden blockage of one of the coronary
arteries deprives that section of the heart of its blood supply. Cardiac
cells die, heart contractions may cease, and circulation may come to a
standstill. If i coronary artery is completely plugged, the condition is.
called a coronary occlusion'or heart at-
. tack. The vascular
disorder itself has been very variable. If the
obstruction is only partial or in
one of the smaller coronary
tributaries, prompt treatment of-
ten leads to the individual's
recovery. An occlusion in main
coronary arteries is very serious
and may cause
Fig. 14.Coronary arteries supplying the
sudden death 0t
her causes
of the coronary disease in-
lude heavy physical exercise, aging, diatetic habits, obesity, smoking, or
Pain which had been developed in the heart may be due to a blood
- ilow deficiency in the coronary vessels. This is referred to (actually felt
in) i he left arm and shoulder. Such pain from the heart has been called
mgina pectoris. Angina pectoris may not actually be noticed until the
\sork load is too great in relation to the flow in the coronary vessels.
Teople who had experienced it repeatedly often do not feel pain unless i
hey experience strong emotion. Others experience it much of the time.
Fortunately, the great majority of coronary disease patients will
have recovered and have been able to lead active, useful lives, when i
hey receive proper treatment under good medical supervision. There ire
many preparations which have been effective and are under clinical
investigation at the present time. ь
Heart and Artery Diseases
4. Heart and artery diseases have been presently the number one
health problem in the world. Cardiovascular ailments are by far the chief
y artery
y utery
Lesson 10 ^201
causes of illness, disability, and death among both middle-aged and !
elderly people. Among these, coronary heart disease, illness of the blood
' vessels supplying the heart, is responsible for the greatest number of
deaths (over 50 per cent of all cardiovascular diseases). Causes of other
cardiovascular disease deaths, in order of decreasing importance, are
stroke and hypertension. These three diseases are responsible for more
than 80 per cent of all cardiovascular disease deaths.
Like cancer and emphysema, heart diseases appear to be related to
the extension of the average life span. Certain factors are definitely
involved in the high incidence of heart disease - the stress, diets high in
saturated fats, the tendency toward obesity with age, lack of sufficient'
physical exercise, and thje incidence of smoking. These factors appear to
relate to a higher incidence of heart desease than in societies lacking |
these characteristics.
• ^
The severity and danger of foe art and artery diseases which we
had^ previously described cannot be fninimized; a disease in an arm or
leg may cripple a person, but a disease of the heart may lead to his
Упражнение 9. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзацы 2 и 3
переведите \ письменно.
■ '
' *
Упражнение 10. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и!
прочтите их.
^ j
1. What kinds of cardiovascular diseases have been discribed in text A?
2. What does the sudden blockage of the coronary artery result in? 3. What
are the conditions caused by coronary occlusion? 4. What is
pectoris? What do people experience in this condition? 5. Why heart and
artery diseases have been recently the number one health Щproblem in the
world? /
, » ;
(->' i
Упражнение 11. Составьте письменно план текста А.
202<>Learning to Understand a Medical Text
Кfj tf
Упражнение 12. Передайте основную мысль абзацев 4 и 5 текста А
одним— двумя предложениями.
Упражнение 13. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова в данные
предложения:fortunately, approximately, also.
1. ..., the great majority of coronary disease patients recover and are able
to lead active, useful lives if they receive proper treatment under ] good
medical supervision. 2. ... one fourth of all deaths in the world result from
coronary artery disease. 3. ... it is estimated that more than