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198О- Learning to Understand a Medical Text
Упражнение 5. Просмотрите еще раз текст В и выпишите
предложения, несущие, на ваш взгляд, наиболее важную
Упражнение 6. Передайте краткое содержание текста, используя
предыдущие упражнения и слова к тексту В.
Часть III
Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 18
Упражнение 1. Укажите, в каких предложениях модальные глаголы
или их эквиваленты выражают долженствование.
1. As the proportion of low titre sera was so high among hepatitis
patients, the percentages of anticomplementary sera had to be calcu-
lated. 2. You should use ampicillin intramuscularly for treatment of this
infection. 3. Donors with a history of hepatitis are not allowed to give
blood. 4. Two of 18 patients were to receive spaced transfusions during
their hospitalization. 5. Since the antibodies in commercial y- globulin
have a half-life of about 32 days, high levels of hepatitis «ап-тtibody»
from the two injections must be present in the majority of patients.
(Ответ: 1, 2, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите § 17 Граммати-f 4 .
ческого справочника.)
Упражнение 2.Найдите в левой колонке перевод слов из правой
1. обращаться к кому-л.; применять
2. конкурирующий, конкурсный
to apply
3. еда, принятие пищи
4. быть причиной, вызывать
5. гниение, разложение, гнилость
6. рана, поражение
a meal
7. применение
(Ответ: 1-4, 2-6, 3-1, 4-7, 5-2, 6-5, 7-3.)
Упражнение 3. Прочтите данные предложения и скажите,
соответствуют ли действительности упоминаемые в них факты.
Lesson 19 ❖ 199
1. Both duodenal and gastric ulcers are caused by hypersecretion of
gastric juice. 2. Gastric digestion is brought about by putrefaction. 3. Pure
pancreatic juice or bile alone can produce a destruction of inucosa. 4. In
the interval between meals minimal secretion of gastric
juice occurs in healthy individuals. 5. Physiologic mechanism of regulating
gastric secretion has been worked out by experimental studies on higher
Повторение: Функции причастий (§§ 20, 21)
Часть I
Слова к части I
mild [maild]а мягкий, слабый
pyelonephritis [,pai9lane'fraitis] п
пиелонефрит ultimate[Altimit]а
последний, конечный
malaise [mae'leiz] п недомогание
sign [sain] п признак, симптом;
знак incise [in'saiz] vделать
разрез, разрезать
incision [in'si3n] п разрез, надрез
outcome ['autksm] п результат,
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите следующий текст. Найдите
пред- ножения, где употребляются I и II формы причастий.
Patients with diseases requiring very large numbers of blood transfu-
sions are presumably exposed to hepatitis repeatedly and might be ex-
pected to possess antibody against the hepatitis virus(es) or its products.
When employing sera from such repeatedly transfused individuals as
untisera, Blumberg et al. found an antigen in the serum of an Australian
aborigine which has become known as the Australia antigen. On the
basis of population studies it was originally proposed that the Australia
antigen was another example of a genetically determined human trait.
Recently, however, the association of the Australia antigen with viral
hepatitis has been appreciated, and it now appears that the observations
200О- Learning to Understand a Medical Text
reported on the occurrence of this factor can be explained on an infec-
lious basis. Using similar methods, Prince has reported the finding of an
antigen in patients with serum-hepatitis (S.H. antigen), it being absent in
patients with infectious hepatitis.
As previously mentioned, it seems likely that the Australia antigen and
the S.H. antigen are related, but uncertainty exists as to whether I hey are
immunologically identical or only similar.
We have detected a specific antigen in a high percentage (80%) of
patients with both forms of viral hepatitis. Patients studied were from the
wards and clinics of the Presbyterian, Francis Delafield, and Harlem
Hospitals of New York City. Clinical diagnoses were established on the
basis of history, physical findings, and laboratory values, routine
laboratory tests being performed in the clinical laboratories of the re-
spective hospitals by standard techniques.
Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите данные слова.
severe, anorexia, variable, albumin, calculus (pi. calculi) radiopaque,
thigh, spontaneously, descent, morphine
Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите данные однокоренные слова.
1. ultimate, ultimately; 2. thigh, thigh-bone; 3. sign, to sign, signal,
signature, sign-board; 4. to incise, incised, incision, incisive
Упражнение 4. Просмотрите текст А. Передайте основное
содержание текста.
Text АStones in the Kidneys
Clinical manifestation. In many instances stones are carried in the
kidneys for years producing no symptoms. More commonly, a mild in-
fection develops in the pelvis about the stone and gradually involves the
cortex of the kidney until a severe pyelonephritis develops. If the stone is
laige, or several are present, the infection may progress to a
pyelonephro- sis, resulting in the destruction and ultimate loss of the
kidney. Mild fever, pain, malaise and anorexia are usually present. Pus
and a variable amount of albumin are present in the urine. Such
symptoms as frequency of urination and mild burning pain usually
accompany infection of this type. The diagnosis of renal calculi can be
Lesson 19 ❖ 201
made by an X-ray film since most of these stones contain sufficient
calcium to be radiopaque.
The most dramatic manifestation of renal calculi is renal colic
brought about by the entrance of a stone into the ureter and its passage
downward to the bladder. The pain described usually radiates downward
toward the thigh. Hematuria is a constant symptom and is an important
diagnostic sign.
While passing slowly, the stone may develop infection and pus as
well as bacteria will be found in the urine. Fever is absent except the
instances when the obstruction is present long enough to allow the de-
velopment of infections. On rare occasions the stone produces sufficient
ulceration in the ureter during its passage. Differentiation of renal colic
From other acute abdominal conditions can usually be made by urine
examination, and X-ray.
4.Treatment. Unless the renal stone is «silent», treatment should be
directed toward its removal. Most stones having entered the ureter will
pass spontaneously into the bladder by the prescuption of conservative
treatment such as forcing fluid, sedation, etc. During the attack of colic
analgetics may be required to control the pain; if after many days, there is
no evidence of progression in the descent of the stone, ureteral
catheterisation may be used in dislodging it. On rare occasions an
operation (usually extra-peritoneal with incision into the ureter) should be
performed to remove the stone. Large stones in the kidney cannot be
passed by way of the ureter and if symptoms are produced operation is
necessary. If the stones are present in both kidneys, it is usually
preferable to operate first on the kidney with the poorer function, since
the operation may produce a temporary anuria; if the better kidney is the
one operated on first, and temporary anuria results, a fatal outcome may
Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст А еще раз и перечислите
основные симптомы и способы лечения мочекаменной болезни.
Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и
зачитайте их.
202О- Learning to Understand a Medical Text
1. Do stones in kidneys usually produce pyelonephritis? 2. What
symptoms help to diagnose renal calculi? 3. What is renal colic and how
does it manifest? 4. When is conservative treatment used in cases of
renal calculi? 5. What kidney is operated on first if the stones are present
in both of them and why?
Упражнение 7. Напишите возможные сочетания: а) глаголов и
существительных; б) прилагательных и существительных.
a) to produce
the cortex
b) large
to involve
X-ray film
to progress to
loss of kidney
to make
a pain
to control
Упражнение 8. Прочтите и переведите аннотации. Скажите, какая из
них передает содержание текста наиболее адекватно и более полно
отвечает требованиям, предъявляемым к аннотации.
Stones in the Kidneys
Clinical manifestation.
Very often an infection about the stone causes pyelonephritis or pyelo-
nephrosis, resulting in the loss of the kidney.
The symptoms are mild fever, pain, malaise, anorexia, pus and albu-
min in the urine, frequency of urination and mild burning. The diagnosis
can be made by X-raying. The pain toward the thigh, hematuria, on rare
occasions ulceration in the ureter, fever, are symptoms of renal colic.
Treatment should be directed toward its removal unless the stone is
Stones in the Kidneys
Clinical manifestation.
In many instances for years without symptoms. More commonly a mild
infection about the stone develops into pyelonephritis or if the stone is
large, into pyelonephrosis. Mild fever, pain, malaise and anorexia, pus
and albumin in the urine, frequency of urination and mild burning pain
accompany this infection. The diagnosis can be made by an X-ray film.
Renal colic is brought about by the entrance of a stone into the ureter