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218О- Learning to Understand a Medical Text
Adoption of better industrial and agricultural practices will be necessary
to prevent the more toxic wastes from being discharged into lake, stream,
or ocean. For the majority of wastes from cities and industries the solution
lies in treatment by physical, chemical, and biological processes which will
remove suspended, colloidal and dissolved solids. Sedimentation,
coagulation and filtration will remove up to 50% of the organic matter. For
more thorough removals it is necessary to use biological processes in
which large masses of bacteria and other microorganisms are brought
into close contact with the soluble and colloidal organic matter in the
waste waters. «Biological filters» are used in most of the l)iological
Prevention of pollution. Waters generally are classified as surface
waters and ground waters. Surface waters are lakes, rivers, reservoirs,
streams and costal waters.
Treating polluted surface waters is somewhat simpler than eliminating
pollution from ground waters, where the pollution can travel rapidly or
slowly depending on the nature of the ground strata through which the
supply moves and on the nature of the pollution itself.
Intensive research is needed to discover better and more efficient
techniques for treating water. Scientists in universities and research lab-
oratories are studying a very wide range of renovation techniques. Among
them are absorption by carbon or other absorptive filters, distillation,
foaming, freezing, ion exchange, solvent extraction, electrodialysis and
1. surface waters поверхностныеводы; ground waters
Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст еще раз. Назовите факторы,
приводящие к загрязнению природных вод, и способы борьбы с ними
в зависимости от типа загрязнения.
Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и
зачитайте их.
1. What diseases are caused by bacterial and viral contamination of
water? 2. How are waters generaly classified? 3. What factors cause
water pollution? 4. What are the processes used to control water pollu-
tion? 5. The scientists are studying renovation techniques for treating
polluted waters, aren't they? Whatarethey?
Lesson 21 О219
Упражнение 7. Напишите возможные сочетания: а) прилагательных и
существительных; б) глаголов и существительных.
Упражнение 8. Переведите письменно абзац 4.
Упражнение 9. Заполните таблицу, указав виды загрязнения воды в
соответствующих водоемах и способы их очистки.
Polluted Waters
Упражнение 10. Составьте письменно аннотацию текста А.
Упражнение И. Прочтите и переведите следующий текст; определите
функции инфинитива.
The paper reports diarrhea in infants who drink water from local wells.
These waters contained sulphate in a concentration of 600—1000 mg. per
litre. The water was boiled before use, no microorganisms were found,
and diarrhea could be induced or cured simply by manipulation of the
a) coastal
6) to cause
to exceed
public waters
to discharge
to return
Kinds of pollution
220О- Learning to Understand a Medical Text
sulphate concentration in the water. On the Canadian prairie many wells
yield water which contains such a high concentration of minerals that it is
too bitter to drink; water from other wells is palatable, yet many cause
diarrhea. Sodium, magnesium and calcium were the most abundant
cations to be present in these waters. Sodium always exceeded
magnesium. The high sulphate concentration was sufficient by itself to
account for the diarrhea. Sulphate is known to be absorbed and its
purgative action can be explained entirely by its osmotic effect. The
absorbability of the cation given with sulphate probably does not affect the
purgative potericy of the salt because sulphate retains an equivalent
amount of cation during its passage through the gut. The purgative action
of magnesium, another ion, which is poorly absorbed, could be similarly
explained. Yet, magnesium is an ion of many parts and the possibility of a
direct effect of a high concentration of magnesium on the motility of
intestinal muscle cannot be discounted. Other, less scientific,
observations have suggested that sulphate has the advantage over
magnesium as a purgative.
Much remains to be learned about the transport and effects of these and
other ions in the colon.
Часть II
Слова к части II
purify [ pjuarifai] vочищать
purification [,pju9rifi'keijn] nочист-
ка, очищение purityf'pjuariti]
nчистота agriculturalwastes
[,aegri'kAltfaralweists] отходы
производства sewersystem ['sjua
'sistarn] система
отведения сточных вод
fertilize ['fatilaiz] vудобрять
fertilizer ['fatilaiza] nудобрение
extent [iks'tent] nстепень
Упражнение 1. Запомните значение и употребление данных слов.
Lesson 21 О221
to interfere: to interfere in вмешиваться; to interfere with пре-
пятствовать, мешатьчему-л.
matter вещество; вопрос, дело, предмет (обсуждения); as a matter
of fact фактически, насамомделе; Animal and vegetable matters are
among industrial wastes. Наряду с другими веществами, вещества жи-
вотного происхождения, а также вещества растительные составляют
промышленные отходы. Animal matters are the soonest destroyed by the
operation of heat, light and air, vegetable substances yield more slowly.
Вещества животного происхождения быстрее разлагаются под дей-
ствием тепла, света и воздуха; растительные вещества — медленнее.
Упражнение 2. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Назовите основные типы
загрязнения вод. Объясните, как определяется степень загрязнения.
Найдите в тексте предложения, где употреблены формы
Переведите предложения.
Text В Water Pollution
Water in its natural state is never 100 percent pure. As soon as it
condenses as rain, water begins gathering impurities until purified or until it
evaporates. Much of this impurity is not sufficient to spoil the usefulness of
water; some materials and substances, however, do limit its usefulness.
By definition «water pollution» we mean the presence in water of any
substance that interferes with any of its legitimate uses - for public water
supplies, recreation, agriculture, industry, the preservation of fish and
esthetic purposes. ^ t
v (/ ^
>it ^ { ' ^
The principal forms of water pollution are domestic, industrial and
agricultural wastes. Domestic wastes include sewage, detergents and
everything else going down the chains of a city into its sewer system —
used water from toilets, bathtubs),sirira aAd washings from restaurants,
laundries, hospitals and hotels and other businesses: • '
Industrial wastes are the acids, oils, greases, other
c)t}£micals and
animal and vegetable matter discharged by factories. These wastes are
222О- Learning to Understand a Medical Text
discharged either through sewer system or through separate outlets di-
rectly into waterways. Agricultural wastes include pesticides (insecticides,
fungicides and herbicides), fertilizers (mainly nitrates and phosphates) and
animal wastes. In addition to these principal forms, other pollutants such as
heat and radioactive substances, can contribute to water pollution. . /<
- ^
' U,
The extent of pollution in a given body of water can be measured to
some degree by the amount of organic wastes it contains. Organic wastes
can generally be destroyed by biochemical action, either naturally in a
free-flowing stream or artificially in a waste treatment plant. Not all
pollutants can be removed by such action, however; examples include
minerals and acids from industrial operations or mining. Such pollutants as
radioactive substances, pesticides, detergents and various oil products are
highly resistant to breakdown and must be specially treated.
Упражнение 3. Прочтите нижеприведенные суждения. Найдите в
тексте предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных
суждений, и прочтите их вслух.
1. Natural water is never 100 per cent pure. 2. «Water pollution»
means the presence in water of the substance that interferes with its
legitimate uses. 3. Agricultural wastes include pesticides, fertilizers, etc.
4. There are some forms pf water pollution. 5. The extent of water
pollution can be measured by the amount of organic wastes in it. 6.
Some wastes can be destroyed but others cannot.
Контрольно-обобщающееупражнениекуроку 21
Укажите, в каких предложениях употреблены сложные
инфинитивные конструкции. Переведитепредложения.
1. Such impurities are thought to be allergenic. 2. We know sewage to
be the water carried discharges of the human body together with the
liquid wastes from household and factory. 3. Have you taken anything to
relieve your headache? 4. Water appears to be the largest constituent of
the body making up two-thirds of the total mass of the human organism.
5. Experiments with magnetic resonance seem to support the belief that
intracellular water is closer to crystalline than the liquid state. 6.