Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для практических занятий студентов 2 курса.docx

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That’s true… I disagree…

I think so… I don’t think so…

The author is right… I’m afraid that’s not true…

I suppose so… I think otherwise…
1) The term engineering is derived from the Latin “ingenium”, meaning “cleverness" and “ingeniare”, meaning "to extend".

2) Engineers improve the state of the world, amplify human capability and make people's lives safer and easier.

3) The field of engineering is divided into three specialty areas.

4) Mechanical engineering includes vehicles, construction and farm machinery, industrial installations and a wide variety of tools and devices.

5) Civil engineering involves testing of aircraft and spacecraft.

6) Biomedical engineering involves working closely with medical practitioners, including doctors, nurses, technicians, therapists and researchers, in order to determine, understand and meet their requirements for systems, equipment and devices.

7) Environmental engineering is the practice of preventing, reducing and eliminating sources of pollution that affect air, water and land.

8) In Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering raw materials extracted from the mountains or oil wells are turned into synthetic fibres, dyes, detergents and many forms of plastics materials and products.

  1. Answer the following question according to the text.

  1. What is engineering?

  2. What are the Russian equivalents for the term “engineering”?

  3. What types of engineering do you know?

  4. What does Mechanical engineering involve?

  5. What are the four main branches of Electrical engineering?

  6. What knowledge is necessary for a civil engineering?

  7. What is Nuclear engineering concerned with?

  8. What is the task of chemical engineers?

  9. What Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering devoted to?

  1. Prepare the retelling of the text.


  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.


develop chemical civil highway production

physics electrical mechanical electronic

Engineering students should have an understanding of maths, … and chemistry. Working with pharmaceuticals, food, mineral processing and chemical manufacturing, a … engineer is trained to understand, design, control, and investigate materials flows. If you enjoy problem solving and find projects such as the National Library interesting, … engineering may be for you. If your interest is in road building then you may follow a specialized course in … engineering. By studying … and … engineering you learn about the design of complete systems, such as computers, controllers, power and transport systems. … engineers plan, design and develop a wide range of things: washing machines, cars and spacecraft. … engineers work very closely with mechanical engineers, to make new products at the right price, on time and in the correct quantity.

The job titles of people who do certain jobs often end in –ist, -er, -or, or –ian.


a person who works in technology = technologist

a person who manages = manager

  1. Write the job titles of the people who do the following:

  1. a person who welds metal pieces together

  2. a person who works with electrical equipment

  3. a person who supervises work

  4. a person who drills

  5. a person who works with technical things

  6. a person who operates machinery

  7. a person who plans how to do something

  8. a person who studies geology

  9. a person who surveys the land

10)a person who has studied science
b) Find the job titles of at least five other people with these endings.

  1. Work in pairs to discuss higher engineering education. Put the words in the questions in the correct order and complete the dialogue below.

A: Engineering education is quite popular with young people in our country. Do you know, universities / engineering / what / provide / education / in Russia?

B: If I’m not mistaken, these are …

A: different fields / is separated / engineering / in a number of / isn’t it?

B: Actually, you can study …

A: engineering / available / basis / higher / only on full-time / education / is?

B: Not really, …

A: disciplines / study / do / what / engineering students?

B: As I know, …

A: students / project / do / undertake / work?

B: Certainly, …

A: do / where / practical / gain / engineering students / experience?

B: You know, they …

A: last / how / does / universities / an engineering course / long / in Russia?

B: If I remember right, …

A: opportunities / do / have / what / students / after graduation?

B: I think, …

A: I see. Thanks. Now I’m clear about engineering education in Russia.
To perform all the tasks efficiently a civil engineer must have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) presents a list of most important Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) in different fields, necessary for Civil Engineers.

  1. Match the following definitions to the corresponding type of knowledge:

engineering and technology, mechanics, design, public safety and security, mathematics, economics and accounting (бухгалтерский учет), administration and management, law and government, building and construction, computers and electronics, physics.

___________ - Knowledge of materials, methods, and the tools involved in the construction or repair of houses or other structures such as highways and roads.

____________ - Knowledge of physical principles, laws, and their applications to understand fluid, material, and atmospheric dynamics; mechanical and electrical processes.

____________ - Knowledge of the practical application of engineering science and technology. This includes applying principles, techniques, and equipment to the design and production of various goods and services.

____________ - Knowledge of processors, chips, electronic equipment and computer hardware and software.

____________ - Knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principles involved in production of technical plans, blueprints, and models.

____________ - Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.

____________ - Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court procedures, and government regulations.

____________ - Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance.

____________ - Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, leadership technique, and coordination of people and resources.

____________ - Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, and strategies for effective security operations for the protection of people, data, and property.

____________ - Knowledge of economic and accounting principles and practices, the financial markets and banking.
4. Complete the sentences with given verbs

operate use specialize design divided work study

1. We will…thoroughly mechanical engineering.

2. Mechanical engineers…principles such as heat, force.

3. Engineers in this field…, and… machinery of all types.

4. They also…on a variety of manufactured goods.

5. The field is…into machinery, mechanisms, materials, hydraulics.

6. Some of them…in particular types of machines.
5.Make a report on the following topics:

1. Modern Engineering.

2. Different types of engineering.

3. Famous engineers.



  1. Choose the correct verb form in each of the following sentence.

  1. Engineers (to come) in many varieties and (to work) for a huge range of different employers.

  2. Mechanical engineers (to understand) how forces (to act) on solid objects, how liquids and gases behave

  3. Civil engineers (to need) to understand how forces (to act) on objects and how fluids (to behave), including how this (to relate) to geology.

  4. Most engineers (to work) in the private sector, where the key goal is to make money.

5. Engineering (to be) a vast field, so most engineers (to specialize) in a particular knowledge area, also known as a discipline.

6. Most industries (to need) engineers from a range of different disciplines for the different knowledge and skills that they (to bring).

7. Engineers (to work) towards becoming professionally registered over a period of time while in employment.

  1. Open the brackets, using Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.

It was eight o'clock in the morning and time for me to go to work. I (to look) out of the window. It (to rain) hard. "You (to get) wet through if you (to go) out now," said my mother. "No, I ... I answered, "I (to take) an umbrella." We (to have) five umbrellas in the house, but when I (to want) to take one, I (to find) that there (to be) not one that I could use: they all (to be) torn or broken. So I (to take) them all and (to carry) them to the umbrella maker, saying that I would call for the umbrellas on my way home in the evening. When I (to go) to have lunch in the afternoon, it still (to rain) very hard. I (to go) to the nearest cafe, and (to sit) down at a table. A few minutes later a young woman (to come) in and (to sit) down at the same table with me. When I (to finish) my lunch and (to be) ready to leave, I absent-mindedly (to take) her umbrella and (to start) for the exit. She (to stop) me saying that I (to take) her umbrella. I (to return) the umbrella with many apologies. In the evening I (to go) to the umbrella maker, (to take) my five umbrellas and (to get) on the tram to go home. It so happened that the woman I (to meet) at the cafe (to ride) in the same tram. When she (to see) me with my five umbrellas, she (to say): "You (to have) a successful day today, (to have not) you?"
3. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Егo сoветы всегдa бывaют тaкими убедительными (convіncіng). Пoчему ты никoгдa им не следуешь? 2. Кaкaя ненaстнaя (nasty) пoгoдa! В тaкую дoждливую пoгoду лучше сидеть дoмa. 3. Oнa делaет хoрoшие успехи в aнглийскoм, 4. Я удивлен (bе surprіsеd), чтo oнa пoверилa этим стрaнным нoвoстям. Бoюсь, oни недoстoверны. Ктo их ей сooбщил? 5. Мне кaжется, эти весы слoмaны. 6. Вчерa я пoлoжил сюдa деньги. Где oни? Я не мoгу их нaйти. 7. Я считaю, чтo пoмещение для нaшегo мaгaзинa впoлне пoдхoдящее. 8. Мне не нрaвятся эти джинсы. Мне кaжется, тa пaрa джинсoв лучше. 9. Экипaж был гoтoв выпoлнить (fulfіl) прикaз кaпитaнa. 10. Критерии чaстo меняются, 11. Вaши тoвaры сделaны oчень плoхo. 12. Нику неoбхoдимo сшить (sеw) нoвые брюки. У меня есть хoрoшaя синяя мaтерия.





Future Simple

Действующее лицо + will + действие.

Используем, когда:

- говорим о фактах, которые произойдут в будущем

- делаем прогнозы и выражаем свое мнение

I think she will pass the exam. Я думаю, она сдаст этот экзамен.

Future Continuous

Действующее лицо + will be + действие с окончанием -ing.

Используем, когда говорим о процессах, которые произойдут. Подчеркиваем длительность будущего действия.

She will be studying all night. Она будет заниматься всю ночь.

To be going to

Действующее лицо + глагол to be (am, is, are) + going to + действие.

Используем, когда говорим о планах и вероятных событиях.

She is going to buy a dress. Она собирается купить платье.

Present Simple

Действующее лицо + действие.

Используем, когда говорим о расписании и четком графике.

The train arrives at 7 p.m. Поезд прибудет в 7 вечера.

  1. Choose between Future Simple and be going to.

  1. She is sure that he ___________ (not/manage) to catch the train.

  2. Next year we _______________ (travel) together around Europe.

  3. The athletes soon _________ (return) from the competition.

  4. His parents think Jim __________ (become) a doctor one day.

  5. They have bought new sports shoes. They ___________ (start) running next week.

  6. It’s getting dark. I ___________ (turn) on the light.

  7. They __________ (be) eighteen next month.

  8. Scientists for sure _________ (find) a cure for this disease.

2. Choose between Future Simple, Present Continuous and be going to. Explain your choice.

1. We (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

2. I (not/go) away for my holidays next month because I haven’t got enough money.

3. The concert (start) at 7.30 in the evening.

4. George, is it true that you (get married) next week?

5. The art exhibition (open) on 3 May and (finish) on 15 July.

6. What time … the next train (leave)?

7. Ann, we … (go) to town, … you (join) us?

8. I (have) lunch with some businessmen next Wednesday.

9. My Uncle John from America (visit) us soon.

10. The examinations (take place) next month as announced.
3. Match the ideas 1-5 with the language a-e.

1) There aren`t that many good jobs at the moment so…

2) I`ve already agreed to work for them…

3) Courses always end at this time of the year…

4) A person has arranged to come and see us…

5) I`m making a decision as I speak…
a) I think I`ll go along too.

b) Ours finishes next month.

c) I`m going to start working for them next month.

d) It`s going to be hard to find a well-paid one.

e) Someone is visiting the college next week.
4. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Они собираются встретиться с друзьями на выходных. 2. Мы идем в кино сегодня вечером (уже есть билеты). 3. Он будет играть в футбол 2 часа. 4. Самолет приземлится в 8 вечера. 5. Я думаю, она придет завтра. 6. Она будет помогать мне завтра (уже договорились). 7 Я уверена, учитель нам все объяснит. 8. Кто-то звонит по телефону. Ты ответишь? 9. Я не знаю, когда он придет. 10. Обещаю, что верну тебе деньги как можно скорее. 11. Кажется, будет дождь. На небе столько туч! 12. Ты поможешь мне сделать гостям чай? 13. Они все решили. Они едут в отпуск на следующей неделе. 14 Их поезд приезжает в 5 утра.

  1. Finish the sentences and write down the summary about your specialty.

I study at ….. Faculty.

My future specialty is …

It is connected with …. Engineering.

I can’t do without studying … in order to become skilled specialist.

After graduating from the university I’ll be able to find a job at …

I’ll have to deal with ….

I think that my future profession is useful for the society because …

My specialty is interesting too as…

Besides my profession is sure to contribute to my future successful career because…

I do hope that when I become a skilled professional…

  1. Write an essay on the following topics.

1. My dream is to become a good engineer.

2. Reasons for my choosing the profession of an engineer.

3. The famous engineer I want to be like.

4. Uniqueness and mass character of engineering.

5. There will be new branches of engineering in 10 years.

6. Robots can replace all men in engineering.

1. Translate from English into Russian:

1. extremely wide reach

2. conduct failure analysis

3. electrical and electronic devices

4. local, state and federal regulations

5. computer-aided design

6. turn vision into reality

7. run on batteries

8. come up with inventions
2. Match the words in two columns and make sentences with these word combinations:

to take

to revise

to make

to learn

to set

to give

to work

to plan

to express

to receive

for examinations


money and support


in good time

a talk


by heart

part in

in groups

3. Fill in the gapped sentences with the following words:

turbine body defects refit architects heating electrical fuel engine ventilation

1. I work in a power station. I’m responsible for maintenance. I work shifts: midnight to six o’clock this month.

2. I designscanners. They give doctors far more information than X-rays and there’s no risk to the patient.

3. I work on jet engines. Onboard computers record readings every four hours and every twenty take-offs. This information allows to carry out servicing before in performance occur.

4. I go on sea trials after the is finished.

5. I’m working with the . I have to make sure that the working environment will be comfortable for the people. Getting the and right is important.

6. I work with equipment. Safety is very important in my job. Everything must be earthed to make sure the no one gets a shock.

7. My main areas of expertise are consumption and emission.
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

Ann: Hello, Kate. I am so glad you (to come) at last. Where you (to spend) the morning?

Kate: I (to be) in the bookstore choosing new books in English.

Ann: It (to rain) still? It (to be) rather dark in the room.

Kate: No, the rain (to stop), but the wind (to blow). On my way to your place I (to meet) Mary. You (to know) her?

Ann: Of course I… . I (to know) her since childhood. When we (to be) children, we often (to play) together. Where you (to meet) her? I (not to see) her for a long time. What she (to look) like?

Kate: She (not to change) a bit. She (to go) the library when I (to meet) her.

Ann: What she (to tell) you?

Kate: She (to tell) me she recently (to return) from a very interesting trip and that she (to travel) a lot and (to visit) the most popular places. She (to want) to see all her friends soon.

Ann: Oh, then she (to come) to see me, too, I (to think).

Kate: Yes, that (to be) a pleasant meeting, I (to be) sure. But what (to be) the time? My watch (to stop) and I (not to know) the exact time.

Ann: It (to be) ten minutes to there.

Kate: Oh, then let`s begin working at once. At four o`clock I must go. My mother (to wait) for me at the metro station at a quarter past four.

5. Complete these blogs with the verbs in brackets, using the present simple, present continuous, or going to future. There may be more than one possible answer.

1) My name's Kees. Right now I (1) am working (work) at a manufacturing company in Rotterdam. .... The company (2)(specialise) in robotics. I normally (3)(spend) our days a week with my employer, and one day at college. At the moment I (4) (do) an apprenticeship in engineering. After I (5)(complete) my apprenticeship in July, I (6)________ (have) a short holiday, probably somewhere in the sun! I (7) _______ (no have) any further career plans at present.