Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для практических занятий студентов 2 курса.docx

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Make a report on the following topics:

  1. Environmental Engineering as a Profession.

  2. Reuse, Recycling, and Resource Recovering.

  3. Hazardous Waste Management Facilities.




Формы герундия:






being written


having written

having been written

Герундий может выполнять в предложении функцию подлежащего, части сказуемого, дополнения, определения, обстоятельства.



  1. Подлежащее

Reading is my hobby. - Чтение моё хобби.

2. часть составного глагольного сказуемого - переводится русским инфинитивом:

Theiraimwascollectingallthenecessarydata. - Их цель заключалась в том, чтобы собрать все необходимые данные.

3.Определение - переводится инфинитивом, или существительным:

Manysolidshavethepowerofabsorbinggasesontheirsurfaces. - Многие твердые вещества обладают способностью абсорбировать газы (абсорбирования газов) на своей поверхности.

4.Обстоятельство - переводится деепричастием, существительным с предлогом или придаточным предложением:

В сочетании с предлогом without герундий выражает отрицание:

The liquid evaporated without leaving a residue. - Жидкость испарилась, не оставив осадка.

Сложные формы герундия - пассивный и перфектный герундий - переводятся, как правило, придаточным предложением.

Theliquiddissolvingnomoresubstanceistheproofofitssaturation. - То, что жидкость не растворяет больше вещества, является доказательством ее насыщенности

1. Translate the sentences, point out the forms of the Gerund.

being produced, producing, having been produced, having produced; building, having built, being built, having been built; developing, being developed, having developed, having been developed.
2. Make up all forms of the Gerund from the verbs.

Example: to ask - asking, being asked, having asked, having been asked.

to do, to leave, to move, to add, to apply.

3. Translate the following sentences with the Gerund as:

а) Subject/подлежащего - Reading is useful.

b) Part of the Predicate/часть сказуемого - Their aim is finding new ways of utilizing this first-class polymer in light industry.

с) Object/дополнение - The experimenter suggested purifying the solution by a new method..

d) Attribute/определение - A thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature.

е) Adverbial modifier/ обстоятельство – After presenting the report at the conference the professor began answering the questions.

1. Strengthening metals means reinforcing them with artificial fibres. 2. Our professor likes inviting specialists to take part in his researches. 3. He avoids being invited to take pert in their own researches. 4. Metallurgists are developing new processes by producing metals and alloys that meet the present-day requirements. 5. These pieces of metal can’t be used in the process without being hammered into thin sheets. 6. The young scientists began experimenting. 7. Without improving the properties of this alloy we can’t use it in the production process. 8. After having improved the properties of this alloy we could use it in the production process. 9. They began erecting this building two months ago. 10. Greeks knew the art of building with cut stones.


Существительное в притяж. падеже (-’s) /притяж. местоимение (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) + Герундий

Герундиальный оборот переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, которое вводится союзами: что; то, что; о том, чтобы; в том, что.

1. We all know of their designing a new type of semiconductor radio set.

Мы знаем, что они проектируют новый тип радиоприемника на полупроводниках.

2. They read of Yablochkov’s having found a brilliant solution to the problem of using the electric arc for lighting.

Они прочитали то, что Яблочков нашел блестящее решение проблемы применения электрической дуги для освещения.

3. Smirnov’s taking part in the development of new cooling system was of great help to us.

То, что Смирнов принял участие в усовершенствовании новой охладительной системы, очень помогло нам.
4. Translate the following sentences, point out the the Gerundial Construction.

1. We know of Newton’s having spent more than 20 years of scientific thinking before finaly formulating them on paper. 2. The motion of this body was changed because of its having been acted upon by an external force. 3. Many scientific discoveries proceeded Newton’s stating his laws of motion. 4. Newton’s having stated his laws of motion is very important for modern science. 5. By studying Newton’s laws of motion we learn that they are applied in our daily life as well. 6. Principia’s having been written in such a short time was due to its author’s great previous work. 7. The Principia’s having been published brought Newton world fame. 8. We knew nothing of this device being broken. 9. The world’s first nuclear power station in Obninsk began generating electricity in 1954. 10. In fact converting kinds of fuels into electricity is not economic enough.


Формы и функции


Действительный залог (Active)

Страдательный залог (Passive)

Participle I


V+ing (eating – кушающий, кушая)

being + V3 (being eaten – поедаемый, будучи поедаем)


having+V3 (having eaten) съев (действие уже произошло)

having been+V3 (having been eaten) будучи съеденным  (уже)

Participle II

III (eaten) съеденный



Переводится с суффиксами -ущ, -ющ, -вш, -ш, -енный определительным придаточным предложением

The boiling water changes into steam. - Кипящая вода превращается в пар.

The boiled water - Кипяченая вода.

Часть cказуемого

переводится глаголом в личной форме

They are applying these methods. - Они применяют эти методы.


переводится деепричастным, придаточным предложением

Beingagoodconductorofelectricitycopperisusedinelectricaldevices. - Являясь хорошим проводником электричества, медь применяется в электроприборах.

  1. Point out the forms of Participle.

having been made, being made, having made, making, being lost, having been caught, finding, doing, being broken, built, cut, prepared, having been prepared.

  1. Make up all form of Participle I, II from the verb.

(см. таблицу) to choose, to cut, to know, to finish, to help.
3. Translate sentences with Participle I as an attribute using ущ, -ющ, -ащ, -ящ, -вши.

1. People beginning to study languages often say that it is difficult to memorize words. 2.The boiling water changes into steam. 3. The water boiling in the vessel changes into steam. 4. We need devices improving the accuracy of measurements. 5. A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms. 6. The boiling solution has neither colour nor odour. 7. The ocean surrounding this land gave birth to wonderful flora and fauna. 8. The engineers constructing the natural gas pipeline came across many difficulties.
4. Translate sentences with Participle I as an adverbial modifier.

1. Being very light, strong and noncorrosive, aluminum is an ideal construction metal. 2. Having released the energy in the form of radiation, man learned to use it for detecting various defects in metals. 3. When heating a magnet we lessen its magnetism. 4. While analyzing the quality of the alloy the engineer showed its negative properties. 5. Being offered no post in Russia, Kovalevskaya went abroad. 6. Having been insulated the wire may be used as conductor. 7. Being cooled in the air the metal hardened. 8. The metal cooled in the air, having been heated to a definite temperature in the furnace. 9. Having finished the test he put down the results.
5. Translate sentences with Participle I, point out the function of the Participle I.

1. The assistant preparing the solution does it very carefully. 2. The main thing manufactured in Britain up to the 17th century was woolen cloth. 3. The engineer delivering a report gave many interesting examples. 4. The house being built in this street will be our new hotel. 5. The metal being used in that experiment was titanium. 6. The performing this task is working successfully. 7. The electromagnetic theory being discussed by the scientists describes light as sound waves.
6. Translate sentences with Participle I as a predicate.

1. They were making this experiment from 11 to 3 p.m. 2. The pace of outer space research is growing rapidly. 3. Scientists are successfully developing quantum generators called lasers. 4. The students were being asked many questions. 5. Large centers are being set up for research in physics of elementary particles. 6. This apparatus is receiving telegrams. 7. Who is running this factory?
7. Translate sentences with Participle II as an attribute.

1. You have to repair the broken parts of that engine. 2. The part broken by you should be repaired at once. 3. We shall use instruments of improved design. 4. The method of work improved by this young worker will increase the output of our plant. 5. The plans proposed did not meet the requirements of our plant. 6. The method used depended upon the material selected. 7. In England the weight of luggage allowed varies with different railways. 8. The techniques applied must be discussed once more. 9. The results obtained are very good. 10. The substance heated changed its properties. 11. The results of the experiment achieved in the lab must be checked once more. 12. The data supplied by the “Cosmos” sputniks have enabled us to solve many technological problems.
8. Translate sentences with Participle II as:

а) обстоятельство;

б) часть сказуемого

1. When asked, the worker answered that he knew the subject very well. 2. Unless discussed, this new method must be used. 3. Transfer machines are considered to be the backbone of automation. 4. The instructions became perfectly understood, if translated. 5. If frozen, water becomes ice. 6. Subjected to high temperature, aluminium loses its strength rapidly. 7. Cooled the solution will be ready. 8. When mounted, the new device will help to mechanize a number of operations. 9. The lecture in physics was followed by a film. 10. The film has been followed by the lecture.