Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для практических занятий студентов 2 курса.docx

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  1. Complete these sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in the box. Some verbs are used more than once.

transfer stretch return weigh break reduce bend

1. Carbon fibre doesn't _____ very much, and it can be _____ easily.

2. Aramid fibre can't be _____ easily, and it can withstand a heavy blow without ____.

3. Polyurethane foam is soft, and so itthe effect of a violent blow without the impact to the wearer.

4. TPU doesn't easily, but it can be and then it can _____ to its original shape.

  1. Match the phrases in italics in the dialogue with phrases in the box with the same or similar meanings.

by the way in other words alternatively

you have a point there anyway for instance

A: I think that cars need more automatic safety devices. There are already too many accidents on the road.

B: Well, (1) I agree with that, but I don't think that more automatic devices will make drivers safer.

A: Why not? I'm thinking about devices that prevent accidents, (2) such as lane keeping assist systems.

B: (3) To change the subject for a moment, have you seen the latest accident statistics?

A: Yes, unfortunately they're higher than last year's.

B: Yes, they are. (4) But to return to the subject, I prefer systems that give alerts to the driver, (5) that is, systems that warn the driver that they're driving dangerously. B: (6) Or, to consider a different possibility, perhaps we need systems that give warnings, and then slam on the brakes if the driver ignores them.

  1. Practice the dialogue in pairs, using the phrases from the box in 4.

  1. Choose the correct words in the box to complete the dialogue.

agree disagree agreement disagreement would

should have go am are absolutely sure

Ben: I think we (1)switch our main energy source from oil to coal.

Sue: I'm in complete (2)with you. Coal is cheaper to extract than oil. Do you (3) , Ali?

Ali: Yes, you're (4) correct, it's cheaper. But I'm not (5)about coal. It's quite a dirty resource. It emits a lot of carbon.

Petra: You (6) a point there, Ali. But we can capture the carbon and pump it underground. We should invest in CCS (carbon capture and storage).

Jose: I can (7)along with that. But the technology is still new and untried.

Ben: I (8) _____ agree with you there. But I still think coal is the future.

  1. Make up sentences using the following words and phrases.

  1. Are, following, of, kinds, the, pairs, used, kinematic.

  2. Translational, slider, a, performs, is, link, movement, only, that.

  3. Independent, kinds, body, in, six, each, has, space, a, possible, motions.

  4. Equal, six, lose, mobility, if, number, links, relative, the, is, constraint, to, the.

  5. Rack, mechanism, designated, link, motionless, of, was, as.

  6. A, complex, that, connecting, is, movement, rod, link, performs.

  7. Incorporated, mobile, links, be, the, motionless, and, can, differently.

  8. May, relative, links, perform, five, movements.

Task 1. Select one or more of the following modern items or devices and conduct an Internet search in order to determine what specific material(s) is (are) used and what specific properties this (these) material(s) possess(es) in order for the device/item to function properly. Finally, report your findings.
Cell phone/digital camera batteries

Cell phone displays

Solar cells

Fuel cells

Automobile bodies (other than steel alloys)

Space telescope mirrors

Sports equipment:

Soccer balls


Ski poles

Ski boots


Task 2. Some of our modern kitchen cookware is made of ceramic materials.

(a) List at least three important characteristics required of a material to be used for this application.

(b) Compare the relative properties and cost of three ceramic materials.

(c) On the basis of this comparison, select the material most suitable for the cookware.
Task 3. Each student (or group of students) is to find a real-life corrosion problem that has not been solved, conduct a thorough investigation as to the cause(s) and type(s) of corrosion, and, finally, propose possible solutions for the problem, indicating which of the solutions is best and why. Submit a report that addresses these issues.
Task 4. Glass, aluminum, and various plastic materials are used for containers. Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of using each of these three material types; include such factors as cost, recyclability, and energy consumption for container production.


  1. Change the sentences using Passive Voice.

1.Young people widely apply a variety of digital devices in everyday life. 2.The deviser has eventually created a completely new type of vehicle. 3. Electrical engineering deals with various electrical installations and generators. 4.Data analysis follows data gathering. 5.The invention of a steam engine started the Industrial Revolution. 6.The technological advance will impact the environment. 7. Aerodynamic forces are affecting a flying vehicle while in flight. 8.Mechanical engineers can operate a number of machine –tools. 9. An international team of scientists and engineers is constructing the ISS. 10.We spoke a lot about new forms of engineering occupations at the conference yesterday.
2. Translate the sentences into Russian using Passive Voice.

1. Ее отправили в больницу два дня назад. 2. Вчера нас послали в лабораторию. 3. Это сочинение было написано на прошлой неделе. 4. Эту книгу взяли из библиотеки только вчера. 5. Этих трех студентов спросили два дня тому назад. 6. Вас экзаменовали утром? 7. Эта мышь была поймана ночью. 8. Телеграмму послали поздно вечером, и он получит ее только утром. 9. Эту статью должна прочитать вся группа. 10. Это yпражнение можно написать карандашом. 11. Все ваши сочинения будут возвращены на будущей неделе. 12. Это письмо можно написать на одном листе. 13. На этой фабрике делают очень красивые сумки. 14. Письма туда можно посылать только летом, а телеграммы круглый год. 15. Мою подругу каждый год посылают за границу.

1. Make a chart like this about the main materials used in your technical field, and their properties.

Example: Technical field: Construction




beams and columns

reinforced concrete

rigidity; compressive strength

2. Write a short description based on the table you produced in 1.

Example: In the construction industry, beams and columns are often made of reinforced concrete. This material is used because of its rigidity and compressive strength (or because it is rigid and strong in compression).


  1. Complete these sentences, using which, where or who.

Someone is showing a visitor around the site of a telecoms project.

1 This is the office of the chief engineer,runs the whole project.

2 The building over there is the warehouse, all the parts are stored.

3 This structure here is the generator,supplies electricity for the project.

4 And this is the central computer plant,all the servers are located.

5 That tower is the main antenna, _____ transmits data to the satellite.

6 Those workshops are for the technicians, _____ do all the maintenance work.

  1. Complete this dialogue. Use the passive form of the present perfect or past simple.

A: Have the walls (1) been plastered yet? (plaster)

B: No not yet. But the wiring (2), so the plastering can start soon. (already / install)

A: Oh that's good. When (3)? (the wiring / put in)

B: It (4)yesterday. (finish)

A: Right, and (5)(paints / buy) yet?

B: Not yet, but they (6) _____ (choose) by the customer, and they (7) _ ____ (already / order).

A: When (8) _____ (the order / make)?

B: The order (9)(send) to the suppliers this morning.

  1. Rewrite these sentences to give the same meaning, using the words in brackets.

Example: 1) This plastic does not melt when you heat it.

1) This plastic is capable of being heated without melting. (melt / when / heat)

2) The frame of this mountain bike is very strong but lightweight. (strength / weigh)

3) Aramid fibre can be pulled with great force without breaking or stretching. (pull / break / stretch)

4) This highly elastic polymer stretches a little when you pull it, and then it can return to its original shape. (stretched / pulled / capable)

5) The soft plastic foam inside this helmet is impact absorbent, and the polycarbonate external shell is impact resistant. (absorbs / able / resist)

6) You can heat the fibre used in this cloth to a high temperature, but it doesn't burn or transfer the heat to the body. (heated / without / burning)

  1. Change the word in italics to the word in brackets in these sentences. Make any other changes to give the same meaning.

Example: I The cables in a suspension bridge need to be very strong in tension.

I The cables in a suspension bridge need to have good tensile strength. (be) 2 The diving suit used by a scuba diver has to be totally water resistant. (have) 3 The concrete used in the bridge piers must be very strong in compression. (have). 4 The steel used in the axle of a racing car must have very good torsional strength and excellent shear strength. (be) 5 We need to design a new running shoe that is much more flexible and tough than the old one. (has) 6 Some of the materials used in earthquake-proof building need to be slightly elastic. (have) 7 Gold is highly malleable and ductile and is highly resistant to corrosion. (has) 8 The fire doors are made of a new material that has no flammability and high thermal resistance. (is)

  1. Look at the information about different materials and their properties. Write sentences about them in the table below, using the appropriate language.







resist impact

aramid fibre

a little



carbon fibre



polyurethane foam



polyurethane (TPU)




nylon synthetic fibre

a little















present simple active

1 (aramid fibre) Aramid fibre resists impact.

2 (polyurethane foam)____________

can / can't + active

3 (carbon fibre) _________________

4 (rubber) _____________________

can / can't + passive

5 (aramid fibre) ________________

6 (TPU) _______________________

active with passive meaning

7 (nylon synthetic fibre) __________

8 (wood) _______________________


A university should be a place of light, of liberty and learning”

Benjamin Disraeli


1.Find a Russian equivalent to English proverb “Measure twice, cut once”.
2.Put the following measures in proper columns:

a minute; kg; inch; tone; cm; km; liter; ounce; cubic meter; acre; hour; gram; second.





Add 3 more measures to each column.

3. Put the words in columns; put the structural elements of words in the chart: -ment; -ate; -ous; -tion; -al; --ly; -able; -ability; -tive; -ness; - ian;






measure measurement measurable

vary various variable variability variation variant

quant quantity quantitative quantify quantification

compare comparability comparable comparison comparative

image imagine imagination imaginative

precise precision preciseness

regular regulate regulator regulatory

certain certainly certainty uncertainty

define definite indefinite definition

accurate accurately accuracy

  1. Read and learn the following words.

fraud – мошенничество, обман

nautical -навигационный

inherent - свойственный присущий

height – высота

convenience – удобство

particularly - в частности, особенно

measurement- измерение

gasoline - бензин

oversee – наблюдать

establish – установить

research – исследование

determine – определять

hundredweight - центнер

precise - точный

recognize – распознавать, контролировать

treaty – договор

physical quantity - физическая величина

benchmark - показатель

inch - дюйм

arbitrary – произвольный

pre-eminent – выдающийся

ratio - соотношение

unit of measurement - единица измерения

partially - частично

  1. What are the adjectives? Complete the list.









  1. Choose the correct word in these sentences.

  1. Each pipe section is 10 to15 metres length/long.

  2. How weight/heavy is the platform?

  3. The borehole is over 90 metres depth/deep.

  4. The structure is 50 metres high/height.

  5. How wide/width is the pipeline?

  1. Match the terms to the definitions.


is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future.


is a derived unit of energy in the International System of Units.


a unit for measuring the number of cycles that happen every second, used especially in electronics


the standard unit of measurement for the strength of an electric current.


a standard scientific unit for measuring large quantities of very small entities such as atoms, molecules, or other specified particles.


the amount of space between two places.


is the base unit of luminous intensity.


is the base unit of temperature.


is the speed at which something moves in a particular direction.


is a unit of length in the (British) imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. It is equal to 1⁄36 yard or 1⁄12 of a foot.


is a metric unit of volume.


the amount that something or someone weighs.


is a measurement of an area of land which is equal to 10,000 square metres, or 2.471 acres.


is a unit of mass equal to 0.001 kilograms.


is both a property of a physical body and a measure of its resistance to acceleration (a change in its state of motion) when a net force is applied.


is a unit of electrical resistance.


is the quantitative property that must be transferred to a body or physical system to perform work on the body, or to heat it.


is a unit of length in the metric system.


is the base unit of time.


is the base unit of mass.


is a physical quantity that expresses hot and cold.