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Сборник учебно-методических материалов по английскому языку (Базовый курс)
Module 1: Meeting people. Introducing.
1. A) Complete the personal introduction form.
2. Describe someone in your group or a famous person. Other students must guess the person.
6. Choose the correct verb form.
2. What are your travel essentials? Why?
5. There are lots of compound nouns in the texts, like sleeping bag. How
Vocabulary booster: things you take on holiday
In pairs. Put the dialogue in the right order . Check the tapescript 3-1.
2. A) Complete the story about a holiday incident.
3. Work in pairs or small groups.
8. Read this conversation in the hotel and put the lines in the correct order.
10. Put the verbs in the box into the correct category.
3.Using the clues below, complete the words in the word grid 1-8 and find the Mystery word.
5. Match the questions with the answers:
6. Put the lines of dialogues in order:
8. Rewrite the following sentences using the construction there is/
Text c Presents and souvenirs in British shops. Read the text and answer the following questions:
1. Make the purchase word grid. Give clues for your words. The example bellow may help you:
2. Where do you buy these things?
3. Where would you hear these sentences?
6. Put the dialogue in the correct order:
1. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
4. Read the text. Translate the words and phrases in brackets.
Module 7: Free time activities.
1 Insert prepositions or adverbs:
2 Arrange the following into groups of words and word combinations close in meaning:
4 Use the following word combinations in sentences of your own:
5 Explain the difference between:
6 Correct whatever is wrong in the statements
2. Discuss in groups. Read the people’s problems. (Do you have similar problems yourself?)
3. Choose one of the topics given below and make a report.
If you do something wrong you are: if you’ve done nothing wrong, you are:
2 There are some adjectives below. Use some of them describing yourself:
4 Make up your Resume, using these points:
Interviewee. Think about these things:
B: I don't think so. My brother has been operated on for appendicitis and he knows all the symptoms of this disease With me it's something quite different.
A: You'll have to consult a specialist.
B: I hate going to doctors.
A: Who doesn't? But pluck up your courage, old boy. A specialist will diagnose your case, but first be prepared to have your gastric juice tested and some analyses taken. He will prescribe a strict diet and some inoffensive drug for the time being.
soothing pills — болеутоляющие таблетки;
pain-killer (colloq) — болеутоляющее средство;
indigestion — плохое пищеварение, расстройство желудка;
a bout of indigestion — расстройство желудка.
his stomach can digest nails — Его желудок может переваривать гвозди.
an attack of asthma, appendicitis ... — приступ астмы и т.п.;
to pluck up one's courage — собраться с духом;
gastric juice — желудочный сок;
inoffensive drug — безвредное (слабое) лекарство.
Dialogue 2 Between Two Boys on Injuries
B: (Seeing his friend come out of the doctor's office.) Hello, Mike, what happen to you? Why is your arm in a sling.
M: I had a bad fall from a bicycle and broke my arm.
B: Mow awful! Have you any pain now?
M: It still hurts, but not so much as before. The fractured (broken) bone has been set and now my arm is in plaster of Paris.
B: So you can't use your arm now, can you?
M: I shan't be able to use it until the plaster is taken off. And now what are you doing here?
B: You see, I sprained my ankle today when jumping on a gym-horse.
M: Weil, it's nothing much to come to the doctor with. Apply a cold compress to it overnight and you'll get the swelling down. I'm sure. I had that sort of thing a year ago. I was limping for a few days, that's all.
In a sling — на перевязи;
plaster of Paris — гипс;
to sprain the ankle — вывихнуть ногу в голеностопном суставе.
Dialogue 3 At the Dentist's
D: What's troubling you?
A: One of my front tooth is working loose, and there's a big one (a wisdom tooth) at the back that wants seeing to.
D: Yon have to have this one out. It is a pity you didn't have it looked at (seen to) before.
A: I wish to goodness I had.
D: Does that other tooth pain (hurt) you now?
A: Not particularly, just a dull steady pain.
D: The tooth is decaying and must be stopped, (filled)... (The doctor reaches for the drill, then cleans and drills the tooth with it, inserts a piece of cottonwool in the cavity (hole) and proceeds to тaке a filling.) This will be a temporary filling, I'll make a permanent one next time. Now we'll attend to the front tooth. Shall I apply an anaesthetic to deaden the pain?
A: Yes, if you please.
D: Here is your tooth extracted (pulled out). Now rinse your mouth, please.
A: (Rising from the chair and looking into the mirror.) The empty space doesn’t improve my looks any. How about having a false tooth in?
D: You’ll have to have a small bridge made and two crowns on which to suspend a false tooth. I may direct you to a dental mechanic and he will do this for you.
The tooth is working loose. – Зуб шатается.
You must have your tooth (pulled) out - вам нужно удалить зуб
I wish to goodness – exclamation expressing a strong wish
Anaesthetic - обезболивающее средство
Expand the situation introduced by the opening sentences.
A: How’s your father keeping?
B: ___________________________
A: What’s wrong with him?
B: ____________________________
A: Tell him I hope he soon feels better.
A: Where’s Tony this evening?
B: __________________________
A: Really? What’s the trouble?
B: ___________________________
A: Give him my regards and tell him to take things easy.
B: ___________________________
A: How’s your brother these days?
B: _________________________
A: I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the matter?
B: _________________________
A: I hope he soon gets over it
B: _________________________
A: I haven’t seen Bob lately. How is he?
B: ____________________________
A: Oh, dear! What’s up with him?
B: _____________________________
A: Let me know if there’s anything I can do.
B: ___________________________
A: How’s your father keeping?
B: ___________________________
A: What’s wrong with him?
B: ____________________________
A: Tell him I hope he soon feels better.
A: Where’s Tony this evening?
B: __________________________
A: Really? What’s the trouble?
B: ___________________________
A: Give him my regards and tell him to take things easy.
B: ___________________________
A: How’s your brother these days?
B: _________________________
A: I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the matter?
B: _________________________
A: I hope he soon gets over it
B: _________________________
What’s the matter?
Listen and complete the missing parts of the dialogue:
Helen Hi, Nick! You ............... too good.
Nick No, I feel .............................. .
Helen .....................?
Nick I’ve got a ................... and my body .....................all over.
Helen Oh dear! It sounds like flu to me. ..................go home?
Nick ................................................ .
Check in Tapescript.
Practise the conversation.
Useful language
Look at these sentences. Connect the ones that mean the same thing.
I feel ill.
What’s the matter?
You don’t look too good.
Oh dear!
Are you OK?
I think you should...
I’ve got stomach-ache.
Are you all right?
My stomach hurts.
Why don’t you...?
What’s up?
I feel awful.
I am sorry (to hear that).
You don’t look very well
Listen to these sentences. Which words are stressed? Repeat them and try to sound exactly the same.
You don’t look very well.
Are you all right?
Oh dear!
I’ve got a splitting head ache.
My back hurts.
I feel terrible.
I’ve got an awful cold.
Now listen to these three dialogues. What’s the problem, and what does the friend suggest.
1 |
2 |
3 |
Compulsory vocabulary
Have you got something for a cold (a cough, a sore throat, sunburn, a headache)? - Есть ли у вас что-нибудь от простуды (кашля, больного горла, солнечного ожога, головной боли)?
I’m afraid, I don’t feel very well- Боюсь, мне не здоровится (дословно – я нехорошо себя чувствую)
I’ve got a bad stomach (a pain in my legs) – У меня расстройство живота (боль в ногах)
I’ve got a temperature- У меня температура
I am not well- Мне плохо
I am very ill- Я очень болен
Please call a doctor (an ambulance) - Пожалуйста, вызовите врача (скорую помощь)
How do I call (get to) the clinic (hospital, chemist’s)? - Как мне позвонить (добраться) в поликлинику (больницу, аптеку)?
Take me to a hospital- Отвезите меня в больницу
May I see a stomatologist (dentist)?- Могу ли я показаться стоматологу (дантисту)
I have a cold – У меня простуда
The pain is severe (slight, sharp, pressing)- Сильная боль (лёгкая, острая, давящая)
I have a heart complaint- Меня беспокоит сердце
My heart is bothering me – У меня болит сердце
What is your diagnosis? - Какой диагноз вы ставите?
I have an allergy- У меня аллергия
It hurts me here- У меня болит здесь
My temperature has gone up – У меня поднялась температура
My foot (throat) is sore – Моя нога (горло) болит
I have a backache (toothache, stomachache) – У меня болит спина (зуб, живот)
I feel really rough – Я чувствую себя очень скверно
I'm shattered. - Я чувствую себя разбитым.
I'm on my last legs. - Я изнемогаю (валюсь с ног). You look poorly. - Ты выглядишь нездоровым.
You look like death warmed up. - Выглядите ужасно (краше в гроб кладут). You're looking peaky. - Ты выглядишь плохо.
I've been referred to a consultant. - Меня направили к врачу-консультанту.
a check-up - медосмотр
Do you have this medicine in tablets (capsules, powder form)? - У вас есть это лекарство в таблетках (ампулах, порошке)?
He's twisted her ankle. - Он вывихнул / подвернул лодыжку.
She's broken her arm. She'll be in plaster for long- Она сломала руку и теперь долго будет ходить в гипсе
I think I've got food poisoning. - У меня пищевое отравление
I feel great! / I'm on top of the world / I feel like a million dollars! - Я чувствую себя прекрасно (превосходно).
He's glowing with health. - Он излучает здоровье.
She's a picture of health. - Она - само воплощение здоровья
May I have this medicine (drug)? - Могу я получить это лекарство?
Here is the doctor’s prescription – Вот рецепт
Please, give me something for…- Пожалуйста, дайте мне что-нибудь от…
Does this medicine have contradictions? - У этого лекарства есть противопоказания?
Could you prepare a medicine (drug)? - Вы не могли бы приготовить лекарство?
What medicine do you recommend? - Какое лекарство вы рекомендуете?
Please give me a prescription – Пожалуйста, дайте мне рецепт
to make an appointment at the doctor's / the GP - записаться на прием к врачу
Consult your doctor if symptoms persist. - Поговорите с врачом, если по-прежнему чувствуете себя плохо.
Do not take more than the stated dose. - Доза принимаемых вами лекарств не должна превышать предписанную врачом.
Always read the label. - Перед тем, как принимать лекарство, обязательно ознакомьтесь с рекомендацией на упаковке.
Keep out of the reach of children. - Храните лекарства в недоступном для детей месте.
an X-Ray - рентгеноскопическое исследование
an examination - обследование, анализы
a scan - томография
Please check my teeth- Пожалуйста, проверьте мои зубы
Please put in a feeling- Пожалуйста, поставьте пломбу
Supplementary vocabulary.
sickness (illness, disease, malady)
(non)communicable disease
catching, contagious
inherited disease
attack (bout)
pain (in)
chicken pox small pox
typhoid scarlet fever
yellow fever
flu (influenza; grippe)
inborn disturbance
hurt (n)
be out of joint
limp (v)
bad digestion
mild case
fatal illness
hurt, injury, wound
(не)заразные болезни
(не)излечимая (болезнь)
заразная (болезнь)
наследственная болезнь
боль (в)
брюшной тиф
желтая лихорадка
врожденное нарушение
пневмония/воспаление легких
повреждение, боль, рана
расстройство желудка
легкий случай
опасная болезнь
повреждение, поражение, ушиб
a black eye cripple
синяк, кровоподтек
синяк под глазом
make up a medicine/drug
chemist's (dispensary; drugstore)
take a medicine (for) mixture
a tablespoonful a teaspoonful
three times a day every two hours after/before meals
on an empty stomach
pain reliever (killer)
for soothing the pain
for reducing the temperature
to take for a headache/cough/a cold
apply a mustard plaster apply a medicine
put a dressing
remove the bandage
give a short (injenction)
be inoculated against
put a hot-water bottle
приготовить лекарство
принимать лекарство (от)
столовая ложка
чайная ложка
три раза в день
каждые два часа
до/после еды
для снятия боли
для понижения температуры
принимать от гол. боли, кашля, простуды
поставить горчичник
приложить лекарство (компресс)
сделать повязку
снять повязку
сделать укол
сделать прививку от
приложить грелку
The doctor
general practitioner