Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для практических занятий студентов 2 курса.docx

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9. Many petroleum products are poisonous if ingested by animals, and spilled oil damages the feathers of birds or the fur of animals, often causing death.

10. Chemicals used to kill unwanted animals and plants may be collected by rainwater runoff and carried into streams, especially if these substances are applied too lavishly.

11. Environmental engineers develop solutions to environmental problems using the principles of biology and chemistry.

12. Environmental engineers conduct research on the environmental impact of proposed construction projects, analyze scientific data, and perform qualitycontrol checks.

  1. Read and learn the following words.

waste disposal - утилизация отходов

hydro-mechanical shredding - гидромеханическое измельчение

demolition waste - демонтаж, ликвидация отходов

curbside - обочина тротуара

salvaging recyclables - утилизация вторсырья

landfill - свалка

compost - компост, перегной

dump - свалка

end-of-life disposal costs - затраты на утилизацию в конце срока службы

benign - безвредный, неопасный

beverage - напиток

anaerobic digestion - анаэробное разложение

abandoned - заброшенный, покинутый

incineration - сжигание

furnace – печь, топка

void – пустота, вакуум

borrow – одолжить, заимствовать

pit – карьер, рудник

segregate - разделять, изолировать

2. Find out the pronunciation of the following words, phrases and abbreviations.

Recycling, expertise, rural, usage, hierarchy, "3 Rs", desirability, cornerstone, extended, integration, associated, generator, services, authorities, private, Australia, curbside, disposal, recyclables, municipality, requested, encourage, demolition, dumped, segregated, Australians, favour, captured, volume, Europe, communities, proprietary, Envac, conveys, conduits, scheduled, basis, Israel, Arrow Ecology, ArrowBio system, gravitational settling, screening, hydro-mechanical shredding, capable, huge, salvaging.
3. Do you know the following words in Russian?

Expertise, concept, classify, integration, party, formal, municipality, construction, Australian, favour, electricity, generation, metro, line, centre, basis, transfer, station, regional, Israel, gravitational, screening, hydro-mechanical, sorting, biogas.
4.Give other words with the same root using suffixes –ment, -tion, -er (or), -ing, -able, -ful, -ly, -ous, -ic, -al, -ent,

Waste, manage, collect, transport, process, recycle, disposal, monitor, gas, concept, refer, strategy; desire, promote, serve, study.
5. Read and translate the text.

Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials. Waste management can involve solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive substances, ____________. Waste management practices differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas, and for residential and industrial producers.

Waste management concepts

There are a number of concepts about waste management ____________. Some of general, widely used concepts include:

Waste hierarchy refers to the "3 Rs": reduce, reuse and recycle, which classify waste management strategies according to their desirability in terms of waste minimization. The waste hierarchy remains the cornerstone of most waste minimization strategies. The aim of the waste hierarchy is to extract the maximum practical benefits from products and ____________.

Extended producer responsibility is a strategy designed to promote the integration of all costs associated with products throughout their life cycle (including end-of-life disposal costs) into the market price of the product.

Polluter pays principle is a principle where the polluting party pays for the impact caused to the environment. With respect to waste management, _________ to pay for appropriate disposal of the waste.

Waste handling and transport

Waste collection methods vary widely between different countries and regions. Domestic waste collection services are often provided by local government authorities, or by private industry. Some areas, especially in less developed countries, ______. Examples of waste handling systems include: In Australia, curbside collection is the method of waste disposal. Every urban domestic household is provided with three bins: one for recyclables, one for general waste and one for garden materials - this bin is provided by the municipality if requested. Also, many households have compost bins. ______, municipalities provide large recycle bins, which are larger than general waste bins. Municipal, commercial and industrial, construction and demolition waste is dumped at landfills and some is recycled. Household waste is segregated: recyclables sorted and made into new products, and general waste is dumped in landfill areas.

Australians are in favour of the recycling of waste. Of the total waste produced in 2003, 30% of municipal waste, 45% of commercial and industrial waste and 57% of construction and demolition waste was recycled. Energy is produced from waste as well: some landfill gas is captured for fuel or electricity generation. Households and industries are not charged for the volume of waste they produce.

In Europe and a few other places around the world, a few communities use a proprietary collection system known as Envac, ________.

In Canadian urban centres curbside collection is the most common method of disposal, whereby the city collects waste, recyclables and organics on a scheduled basis. In rural areas people often dispose of their waste by hauling it to a transfer station. Waste collected is then transported to a regional landfill.

In Israel, the Arrow Ecology company has developed the ArrowBio system, which takes trash directly from collection trucks and separates organic and inorganic materials through gravitational settling, screening, and hydro-mechanical shredding. The system is capable of sorting huge volumes of solid waste, salvaging recyclables, _________.
a) to generate the minimum amount of waste

b) do not have a formal waste-collection system

c) and turning the rest into biogas and rich agricultural compost

d) with different methods and fields of expertise for each

e) which conveys refuse via underground conduits using a vacuum system

f) this generally refers to the requirement for a waste generator

g) To encourage recycling

h) which vary in their usage between countries or regions
6. Think of the questions to which the following sentences are answers:

1. Waste management practices differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas, and for residential and industrial producers.

2. Waste hierarchy classifies waste management strategies according to their desirability in terms of waste minimization.

3. The waste hierarchy remains the cornerstone of most waste minimization strategies.

4. The polluting party pays for the impact caused to the environment.

5. Every urban domestic household is provided with three bins: one for recyclables, one for general waste and one for garden materials.

6. Municipal, commercial and industrial, construction and demolition waste is dumped at landfills and some is recycled.

7. Recyclables sorted and made into new products, and general waste is dumped in landfill areas.

8. Of the total waste produced in 2003, 30% of municipal waste, 45% of commercial and industrial waste and 57% of construction and demolition waste was recycled.

9. In Canadian urban centres curbside collection is the most common method of disposal.

10. Waste collected is then transported to a regional landfill.
7. Find in the text the following terms.

1. process of recovering and reusing waste products

2. a means of destroying waste products, as by grinding into particles

3. a non-industrialized poor country that is seeking to develop its resources by industrialization

4. settled places outside towns and cities

5. a system in which people or things are arranged according to their importance

6. a detailed plan for achieving success in situations such as war, politics, business, industry or sport

7. work of building or making something, especially buildings, bridges, etc.

8. a site for the disposal of waste materials by burial

9. a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen

10. a channel, ditch, or pipe used to convey water or other liquid
8. Which of the two English variants corresponds to the Russian equivalents:

контроль и утилизация отходов - waste management, waste recycling;

переработка отходов – waste disposal, waste recycling;

жидкие отходы - solid waste, liquid waste;

развитые страны - developed nations, developing nations;

городской район - urban area, rural area;

бытовые отходы – industrial waste, domestic waste;

служба сбора отходов - waste collection service; waste treatment equipment;

метод утилизации отходов - method of waste disposal, method of waste minimization;

bin for recyclables – контейнер для утилизируемых отходов, контейнер для строительного мусора;

свалочный газ - by-products gas, landfill gas;

на регулярной основе – on annual basis, on scheduled basis.
9. Translate the sentences into English using words and phrases from the text “Waste management: concepts, handling, transport”.

1. Городским властям пришлось создавать системы управления отходами для того, чтобы избежать неконтролируемого распространения отходов и предотвратить загрязнение окружающей среды.

2. Любая система управления отходами состоит из трех этапов: сбора, транспортировки и переработки.

3. Система сбора отходов предполагает наличие мест сбора бытовых отходов. В России это, как правило, площадки с контейнерами и мусоропроводы в многоэтажных домах.

4. В странах западной Европы активно внедряют систему раздельного или селективного сбора отходов, при которой само население сортирует стекло, бумагу и картон и другие отходы.

5. В некоторых странах отходы собирают в мешки из специального пластика, который через полгода разрушается, не загрязняя окружающую среду.

6. Система транспортировки заключается в вывозе собранных отходов к местам переработки и захоронения.

7. Органические отходы в некоторых странах перерабатывают в компост.

8. Иерархия управления отходами основывается на трех принципах: утилизация, вторичное использование и переработка.

9. Стратегия, разработанная для включения в рыночную цену продукта затрат, необходимых на протяжении всего срока его эксплуатации (включая расходы на его утилизацию).

10. Стратегия, предусматривающая возмещение вреда, причиненного окружающей среде. В рамках проводимых мероприятий по управлению отходами производитель обязан оплачивать расходы на утилизацию отходов своего предприятия.
1. Train the reading of the following words, phrases and abbreviations.

Integrated, benign, fraction, digestion, favoured, MSW, resource depleted society, plasma gasification, gasifier vessel, proprietary, torches, molecular, elemental, destruction, disposing, abandoned, quarries, properly, hygienic, relatively inexpensive, adverse, vermin, anaerobically, extraction, installed, perforated, convert, ash, Japan, facilities, furnace, micropollutant, widespread, beverage, separately, dedicated, HDPE, PET, jars, corrugated fibreboard boxes, PVC, LDPE, PP, relatively.
2. What do you think these words and expressions from the text mean?

integrate, administration, favour, plasma, gasification, gasifier, convert, elemental, hygienic, install, perforate, Japan, boiler, micro, carton, fibre, box.
3. Read and translate the text. Put the words in second column into the correct form to fill the gaps in the sentences.

Integrated waste management

Integrated waste management ______ LCA attempts to offer the most benign options for waste ________. A number of broad studies have indicated that waste administration, and then source ______ and collection followed by reuse and recycling of the non-organic fraction, energy and use manage separate 100 fertilizer production of the organic waste fraction via anaerobic digestion is the ______ method for mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). Non-metallic waste resources not ______ as with incineration, and can be reused or recycled in a future resource depleted society.

Plasma gasification A gasifier vessel _____ proprietary plasma torches in order ______ a gasification zone of up to 3,000 °F (1,650 °C) to convert solid or liquid wastes into a syngas. When municipal solid waste is subjected to this intense heat within the vessel, the waste’s molecular bonds break down into elemental components. The process results in elemental destruction of waste and ______ materials.

Landfill _______ of waste in a landfill involves burying the waste, and this remains a common practice in most countries. Landfills were often established in abandoned or unused quarries, mining voids or borrow pits. A ______ designed and well-managed landfill can be a hygienic and relatively inexpensive method of disposing of waste materials. Older, poorly designed or poorly managed landfills can create a number of adverse _____ impacts such as wind-blown litter, attraction of vermin, and generation of liquid leachate. Another common by-product of landfills is gas (mostly composed of methane and carbon dioxide), which is produced as organic waste breaks down _____. This is a greenhouse gas, it also can create odour problems and kill surface vegetation. favour destroy utilize create hazard dispose proper environment anaerobic Many landfills also have landfill gas extraction systems _____ to extract the landfill gas. Gas is pumped out of the landfill using perforated pipes and burnt in a gas engine to generate electricity.


Incineration and other high temperature waste treatment systems are sometimes described as "thermal treatment". ______ convert waste materials into heat, gas, steam, and ash. It is used to dispose solid, liquid and _____ waste. It is recognized as a practical method of disposing of certain hazardous waste materials. Incineration is common in countries such as Japan as these countries generally do not require any area for landfills. Waste-to-energy (WtE) or energy-from-waste (EfW) are terms for facilities that burn waste in a furnace or boiler to generate heat, steam or _______. Combustion in an incinerator is not always perfect and there have been concerns about micro-pollutants in gaseous _____ from incinerator.


The popular _____ of ‘recycling’ in most developed countries refers to the widespread collection and reuse of everyday waste materials such as empty beverage containers. Material for recycling may ______ separately from general waste using dedicated bins and collection vehicles, or sorted ______ from mixed waste streams. The most common recycled products include steel food and aerosol cans, HDPE and PET bottles, glass bottles and jars, paperboard cartons, newspapers, magazines, and corrugated fibreboard boxes. Install incinerate gas electric emit mean collect direct PVC, LDPE and PP are also ______, although they are not commonly collected. These items usually _______ of a single type of material, making them relatively easy to recycle into new products. recycle compose



















4. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

Integrated waste management; reuse; recycling; non-organic fraction; anaerobic digestion; Municipal Solid Waste; incineration; resource depleted society; plasma gasification; gasifier vessel; to convert solid or liquid wastes into a syngas; burying the waste; wind-blown litter; attraction of vermin; generation of liquid leachate; landfill gas extraction system; to generate heat, steam or electricity; gaseous emission; mixed waste stream; recycled products.
5. Explain the following words or collocations in your own words.

study (= research); Municipal Solid Waste; resource depleted society; Plasma gasification; gasifier; plasma; syngas; elemental components; quarry, mining; vermin; by-product; organic waste; gas extraction system; incinerator; hazardous waste; energy-from-waste method; corrugated fibreboard.
6. Translate the following sentences using words and phrases from the text ‘Methods of solid waste disposal’

1. В настоящее время метод захоронения применяется ко всей массе отходов. Считается, что это дешевле всего. Однако в расчетах обычно не учитываются затраты, связанные с обслуживанием полигона, а также компенсация ущерба для окружающей среды.

2. Решение проблемы отходов заключено, как ни странно, в самих отходах: 35% отходов это ценное вторичное сырье, а еще около 35% - потенциальное удобрение.

3. Прессование, сортировка и компостирование отходов позволят снизить их объем в 7-16 раз. Для сравнения: сжигание уменьшает объем отходов всего лишь в 10 раз, но при этом повышается их токсичность, а обходится это в 3 раза дороже.

4. В ряде городов страны построены заводы по биотермической переработке ТБО с использованием отечественного оборудования. Компостирование мусора проводится в биотермических установках производительностью 20-30 тыс. т в год.

5. При сортировке мусора выделяют цветные и черные металлы, стекло, текстиль, макулатуру и другие инертные примеси. Получаемый компост используют сельские и городские хозяйства в качестве биотоплива и органического удобрения.

6. Мусоросжигание без предварительной сортировки приводит к выбросам в атмосферу вредных веществ, таких, например как диоксид серы, окись азота и углерода, токсичные углеводороды и тяжелые металлы.

7. Методы обезвреживания и переработки ТБО можно разделить на ликвидационные и утилизационные. По технологическому принципу методы обезвреживания и переработки ТБО разделяются на биологические, термические, химические, механические и смешанные.
7. Give all possible derivatives of the following words:

Private, pay, municipal, commerce, to construct, to demolish, favour, integrate, broad, to mix, to deplete, order, subject, design, hygienic, expensive, vegetation, perfect.