Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для практических занятий студентов 2 курса.docx

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2.The importance of the wheel application for grinders.

3. The different kinds of dies and their applications.

4. The similarity of wiredrawing and thread-cutting dies.

5. The structure of a lathe.

6. The main machining methods.

Subordinate clauses

Типы придаточных предложений



Subject clauses

that – что, if, whether – ли,

who – кто, what - что, какой,

which – который, when – когда, where – где, how – как

why - почему

- That she understands his fault is clear.

- Whether we played there or not means nothing now.

- Which of the knives is good for our kitchen has to be decided yet.

- When he arrives is not mentioned.

- Where she is hiding now is not known.

Predicative clauses

те же самые, что и для придаточного подлежащего

- The question is whether the weather is sunny.

- This what I told you about.

Object clauses

that – что, if, whether – ли,

what - что, какой, who – кто

which – который, where – где

how – как, why - почему

- We know that she is pretty.

- Tom asked if he could take that book.

- … which bag to buy.

- … where to sleep.

- The secretary told us how we can arrange our offers.

- I wonder why penguins don’t fly.

Relative Clauses

For people:

who / whom / that - который,

whose (possessive) - чей

For things:

which / that - который

whose / of which (possessive) – чей, where – где, why – почему, when - когда

- The child who is playing with the ball is my little brother.

- The car (that) I drive is old.

- The police are looking for the car whose the driver was masked.

- The child (who) Mark is playing with is my little brother.

- The castle where we once had dinner has disappeared.

Adverbial Clauses

Place Clauses

where – где, wherever - где бы ни, куда бы ни.

everywhere, anywhere

- Most people shop where they get the lowest prices.

- Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.

- Everywhere we went, people were friendly.

Time Clauses

when – когда, after - после того, before - до того как,

till - до тех пор пока

while - в то время как

since - с тех пор как

as soon as - как только

by the time (the moment that)

whenever (every time that)

till, until (up to the time or point that), by (during)

- I'll do it when I come back home.

- Whenever you need my car you can take it.

- By the time you get there, the shop will be closed.

- She's planning to get married next year, by which time she hopes to have a new job.

Some observations::

  1. Time clauses can come at the beginning or end of sentences.

  2. Use a comma only when the time clause begins the sentence.

  3. Don’t use will or be going to in the future time clause.

Reason Clauses

because - потому что, as - так как, since - так как

- I studied hard because I wanted to pass the test.

- She may need some help as she's new.

- Since you've finished all your homework, you may go out.

Manner Clauses

as – как

that – что

as if = as though - как будто

- Good students come to class on time as the teacher tells them to.

- He behaved as if nothing had happened.

- He cried as though he were a baby.

Purpose Clauses

in order that

in order to

to + verb

so as to

so that - that – чтобы

so that или in order to - для того, чтобы

- In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed.

- I talked to them both for half an hour so as to have a thorough understanding of the problem.

- I stopped by at the supermarket to buy some apples on the way home.

- We study Latin so that we may learn more about ancient Rome.

Adversative Clauses



- I am quiet and shy, while/whereas my sister is lively and talkative.

- While/Whereas my father is strong and tall, I am short and weak.

Result Clauses


with the result that

"so", "such", "so much", "so many", "so few", "so little":

- The green leaves of the banana trees are so thick that the sunlight cannot pass through.

- She coughed so hard that she lost her voice.

- He smelled so bad that we had to leave.

- Stella has so many friends that she can't keep up with them all.

- Fred had so much trouble with his car that he finally got rid of it.

- They do so much work that they finish early every day.

Concessive Clauses


even though (even if)


    • I think his name is John, although I'm not completely sure about that.

    • While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available.

Conditional clause

if – если, provided that = on condition that - при условии, что

There are three main types of conditional clauses:

1). Possible Condition

if + Simple Present, Future (will + V1)

If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.

2). Unlikely Condition

if + Simple Past, would + infinitive

If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

3). Impossible Condition

if + Past Perfect, would + have + past participle

If I had found her address, I would have sent her an


2). Unless means "if not":

  • Unless you call watching TV a hobby, he hasn't got any hobbies. (If you don't call watching TV a hobby, he hasn't got any hobbies.);

  • I won't have an operation unless surgery is absolutely necessary. (I won't have an operation if surgery is not absolutely necessary.)

1. Underline the subordinate clause in the following sentences.

1. As he was not there, I could not speak to him.

2. I waited for him until he came.

3. We eat so that we may live.

4. I don’t know whether he is innocent.

5. If you eat too much, you will fall ill.

6. I am sure that you are wrong.

7. The teacher said that honesty is the best policy.

8. Tell me where you have put my books.

9. The man who committed the theft last night has been caught.

10. It is difficult to understand why he distrusts his own children.
2. A noun clause can be introduced by the conjunction that or by the question words who, how, what, whether, if etc. Complete the following sentences using that or an appropriate interrogative pronoun or adverb.

1. ……………….. he would be appointed the Manager is certain.

2. They are confident ………………… they will win.

3. The latest news is …………………. his health is improving.

4. ……………… he says is not true.

5. The doctor said ………………… by washing our hands frequently, we can reduce our risk of falling ill.

6. …………………. the judge will hear the case today is uncertain.

7. We asked the District Collector ………………………. he would like to be the chief guest at our function.

8. No one knows ……………….. the stranger was.

9. No one knows …………………. the stranger entered the room.

10. Nobody knows ………………….. happened to him.

3. Complete each sentence with who, which, or whose. Choose the best (most grammatically correct) option.

  1. That’s the man ________ wallet I found.

  2. That’s the singer _______ CD I bought.

  3. That’s the woman _______ helped me cross the street.

  4. That’s the house ______ my parents used to live in.

  5. The key _______ opens the basement door is very small.

  6. The man _______ asked me the time was very handsome.

  7. The rug ________ I want to buy is very expensive.

  8. The other students ________ are in my class are younger than me.

  9. The teacher _______ car was stolen was very upset.

  10. The boy ________ is standing outside is my brother.

  1. Combine two sentences together to make one sentence. Put the adjective clause after the noun that it describes. You can use “who” or “that” to put the clauses together.


  • The student is a very nice person. She comes from Japan.

  • The student who comes from Japan is a very nice person.

1. We sent a package to our relatives. They live in California.

2. The woman works as a cashier. She sits next to me in the classroom.

3. The book was expensive. I bought it yesterday.

4. The TOEFL test was very difficult. We passed it.

5. The car has a bad engine. I bought it last month.

6. I lived in an apartment building. It had a very slow elevator.

7. You should see a doctor. He can help you with your back problems.

8. The tornado was extremely powerful. It hit Minnesota.
5. Point out the subordinate clause in the following sentences, translate into Russian.

1. A hundred years after Newton discovered the law of gravitation, Columb found a similar dependence of electrical force on distance. 2. That the study of Brownian motion can lead to a determination of the mass of a molecule is not astonishing. 3. When pressures are given in atmospheres, standard atmosphere of 760 mm of mercury is implied. 4. What we call radioactivity is the property of emitting radiation possessed by some substances. 5. The most important property of electromagnetic waves is that they convey energy. 6. Shadows are formed when solid bodies intercept the rays of light from a source. 7. When a particle moves around a circle with uniform velocity the to and from motion of its projection on any diameter is called a simple harmonic motion. 8. Light quanta differ from every wavelength, whereas quanta of electricity are always the same. 9. Whether other substances but uranium possessed the property of emitting radiations was of great interest to scientists. 10. The problem which greatly interested the scientists was whether other elements besides uranium possessed the property of emitting radiation.

6.Translate the following sentences using conditionals.

  1. There could not be modern science without modern technology. 2. They would have sent us information but there was none to send. 3. They gave him the plan of the district lest he should lose his way. 4. In many operations it is important that the frequency of the oscillator be constant. 5. Without the Sun there would be no light, no heat, no energy of any kind. 6. They recommended that thorough laboratory tests should be conducted before the system is installed in the airplane. 7. Later developments in physics have shown that the electron cannot be accurately considered as if it were in orbital motion about nucleus. 8. It is necessary that you should know that the selection of the proper metal or alloy for a given use is an important part of the practice of metallurgy. 9. He proposed that this fact be used to define a temperature scale which would be independent of the properties of any particular substance. 10. Mendeleyev found it necessary to alter some atomic weights in order that the elements should fall into positions in the periodic system assigned to them by their chemical properties.

7. Point out the type of conditional sentences. Translate them into Russian.

1. If the laboratory gets new equipment, we shall test it. 2. If the circuit is closed, current will flow it. 3. If the wire is thin, much heat will be generated when current flows through it. 4. If highly durable metal alloys have not been developed, there would be modern rockets and aviation today. 5. If there were no friction we could not even walk. 6. Provided the laboratory continued this experiment, it would take them 3 years to complete it. 7. Were there no loss of energy by friction, the motion would continue indefinitely once it had been started. 8. If the bar magnet were broken in two, it would still retain its magnetism. 9. We all realize that if it were not for the friction between our shoes and the floor, we could not walk. 10. If the Earth neither rotated nor revolved, one side would always have and the other side would always have night. 11. If the conductor had been moved slowly, the galvanometer deflection would have been smaller.
8. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense Future Simple or Present Simple.

EXAMPLE. When I (see) Tom tomorrow, I (invite) him to our party. — When I see Tom tomorrow, I will invite him to our party.

  1. Before you (leave), (not/forget) to shut the windows. 2. I (phone) you as soon as I (arrive) in London. 3. Please (not/touch) anything before the police (come). 4. Everyone (be) very surprised if he (pass) the exams. 5. When you (see) Brian again, you (not/ recognize) him. 6. We (not/start) dinner until Jack (arrive). 7. (you/ feel) lonely without me while I (be) away? 8. If I (need) any help, I (ask) you. 9. Come on! Hurry up! Ann (be) angry if we (be) late.

Составьте из двух предложений одно, используя he Clause of Purpose

EXAMPLE: He studied really hard. He wanted to get better marks. (in order to) – He studied really hard in order to get better marks.

  1. Ann is putting on her warm jacket. She doesn’t want to catch a cold. (so as not to)

  2. Alex is borrowing some English books. He wants to learn more of this language. (to)

  3. Sandy has lent her brother some money. He wants to buy a new CD. (so that)

  4. They are going on holiday soon. They want to have a rest. (so as to)

  5. He spoke in a low voice. He didn’t want to wake her up. (in order not to)

  6. Mother packed her camera. She wanted her son to take photos. (so that)

9.Complete the following sentences with in order to, so as to, so that or to:

1. They went to the hospital _____ see their friend.

2. The car stopped _____ a woman could walk.

3. My father turned on the television _____ watch the latest news.

4. My sister is going to study French _____ leave London for Paris.

5. We bought a laptop _____ our son could work anywhere.

6. Our teacher asks simple questions _____ all the pupils can answer them.

10. Translate into Russian:

1. Я позвонил ему, чтобы поздравить с днем рождения.

2. Мы вызвали такси, чтобы успеть на самолет.

3. Она записалась на дополнительные курсы, чтобы лучше знать свой предмет.

4. В библиотеке нужно читать про себя, чтобы не отвлекать других.

5. Я долго готовилась к экзаменам, чтобы сдать их на отлично.

6. Она подменила его на работе, чтобы он смог погулять с сыном в парке.

7. Мы решили рассказать всю правду, чтобы они не заявили в полицию.

8. Директор подпишет бумаги завтра, чтобы вы могли передать их старшему менеджеру.

Порядок слов в предложении может быть прямым и обратным. При прямом порядке слов предложение начинается с подлежащего (или местоимения), затем следует сказуемое и второстепенные члены предложения (прямое дополнение, обстоятельство, наречие и т.п.).

  • We bought a car. - Мы купили машину. (местоимение+сказуемое+прямое дополнение)

При обратном порядке слов вспомогательный или модальный глагол меняется местами с подлежащим.

  • Do you speak English? Ты говоришь по-английски?

  • Can you ask him? Ты можешь спросить его?

  • Never have I seen such a fool. – Никогда я не видела такого дурака!

Инверсия - это изменение порядка слов в предложении с целью сделать ударение на какой-то информации в предложении. Инверсия, или обратный порядок слов, бывает двух типов: грамматическая и эмфатическая.

Случаи использования инверсии


Грамматическая инверсия

в вопросительных предложениях:

Have you finished your work? Вы закончили работу?

в условных предложениях, которые начинаются с should, were, had (Past Perfect). If в начале предложения опускается.

Were I you, I should do it. Будь я на вашем месте, я бы это сделал.

Had I known it before, I should not have gone there. Знай я об этом раньше, я не пошел бы туда.

Эмфатическая инверсия

для выделения именной части сказуемого:

Great was my surprise when I did not find him there. Велико было мое удивление, когда я не нашел его там.

для выделения обстоятельства, выраженного наречиями типа never, only, often, little, up, down, off, no sooner (... than), hardly (... when):

Often do I recollect our first examination in this subject. Часто, очень часто я вспоминаю наш первый экзамен по этому предмету.

Little did he speak about his work. О своей работе он говорил мало.

Hardly had the plane landed, when the people ran towards it. Не успел самолет приземлиться, как люди побежали к нему.

для выделения обстоятельства места:

In the shop stood a huge hammer. В цеху стоял большой молот.

в предложениях с вводным there, за которым следуют непереходные глаголы типа to be, to remain, to lie, to stand, to come, to live, to exist и т. п., причем there на русский язык не переводится:

There remains one more test to be carried out before putting the machine into operation. Остается провести еще одно испытание, прежде чем пустить машину в эксплуатацию.

После as (как, в качестве, когда), neither/nor (ни один, ни какой/не), so (так) для выражения согласия.

“had chicken for dinner” “So did I”. “На обед у меня был цыпленок”. “И у меня”. (So используется для согласия в утвердительных предложениях.)

“Peter isn’t doing well at math” “Neither/Nor is Joan”. “Питер не силен в математике”. “И Джоан”.

для выделения члена предложения может употребляться оборот it is (was) ... that (who, whom). При переводе на русский язык выделяемый член предложения подчеркивается либо интонацией и ударением, либо словами именно, как раз, это и т. п.

It was after many attempts that the desired results were obtained. Только после многих попыток были достигнуты желаемые результаты.

It was this invention that has brought about great changes in the science of physics. Именно это изобретение вызвало большие изменения в физической науке.

Инверсия с may, когда хотим что-то пожелать. Такое предложение мы будем переводить в будущем времени с помощью слов “пусть”, “да”.

May all your dreams come true. Пусть сбудутся все твои мечты.

May the force be with you. Да пребудет с тобой сила.

После so (так, следовательно), such (такой), to such a degree (до такой степени) (в придаточных предложениях следствия)

So angry was here, that he couldn’t utter a word. Он был так зол, что не мог произнести и слово.

Инверсия в сравнительных оборотах после союзов as (как), than (чем). Такое явление характерно для литературного стиля.

He is very active, as are most boys of his age. Он очень активный, как и большинство мальчиков его возраста.

Country people know nature better than do city dwellers. Деревенские жители лучше знакомы с природой, чем городские.

После определенных выражений, если с них начинается предложение: Barely (едва, еле-еле), Hardly (ever) … when (редко … когда), In no way (ни в коем случае), In/Under no circumstances (ни при каких обстоятельствах, ни в коем случае), Little (мало, редко), Never (before) (никогда (прежде)), Nor/Neither (ни, ни один, никакой), No sooner … than (не раньше, чем), Not even once (ни разу, даже не разу), Not only … but also (не только …, но и…), Not since (с тех пор, как, ни разу), Not till/until (до, не раньше, до тех пор пока ), Nowhere (нигде), Only in this way (только так, только таким образом), On no account (ни в коем случае), On no occasion (ни под каким предлогом, ни в коем случае; ни при каких обстоятельствах), Only then (только тогда), Rarely (редко), Scarcely (ever) … when (вряд ли (когда-нибудь) … когда), Seldom (редко) и т.д.

Not even once has he offered to help us. Ни разу он не предложил нам помощь.

Rarely do we go out during the week. Мы редко выходим в течении недели.

Инверсия в конструкциях so that и such that.

В конструкциях с наречиями so и such, когда мы хотим эмоционально выделить какое-то качество, хорошее или плохое.

После so сначала используется прилагательное или наречие, которое описывает определенное свойство, затем ставим глагол и подлежащее.

После such сразу будет глагол и подлежащее.

So awesome was his speech that I asked him to read it one more time. Так великолепна была его речь, что я попросил прочитать ее еще раз.

Such was her singing that we had to use the earplugs. Она пела так, что нам пришлось использовать затычки в уши.