Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для практических занятий студентов 2 курса.docx

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Добавлен: 23.11.2023

Просмотров: 638

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

3. Match the columns.


1. Wear safety boots!

2. Don’t enter!

3. Don’t use a mobile phone here.

4. Emergency exit this way!

5. Be careful. Dangerous liquid!

6. Don’t touch!

7. Wear safety goggles in the area!

8. Don’t park here!

9. Be careful! Explosive material! 10. Don’t switch on!

11. Danger of an electric shock!

12. Don’t smoke here!

13. Wear a hard hat!

14. Watch out! Danger!


a) Руками не трогать!

b) Парковка запрещена!

c) Осторожно! Взрывоопасные вещества.
d) Не курить!

e) Не включать!

f) Осторожно! Высокое напряжение!
g) Надеть обувь!

h) Запасной выход!

i)Осторожно! Опасно!

j) Отключить мобильные телефоны!

k) Не входить!

l) Для безопасности оденьте очки!

m) Осторожно! Опасные растворы!

n) Надеть каску!


1.Make a report on the following topics:

  1. What is Technical Safety?

  2. Which methods are effective to inspect facilities, machinery, and safety equipment to identify and correct potential hazards, and to ensure safety regulation compliance?

  3. What is personal protective equipment?

2.Choose personal protective equipment. Work with a partner and prepare a five-minute presentation explaining when and how this equipment protects the employee. Give your presentation to the class.

Useful phrases

I‘m going to be speaking about… To sum up…

Firstly/ secondly/thirdly/finally In conclusion

I‘d like to say about… Are there any questions

Модальные глаголы

Эквиваленты модальных глаголов




can- могу, мочь

(физическая возможность, умственная способность)

To be able(to)

Быть в состоянии, мочь





is able(to)


I can read.

I am able to read




I could read.

I was able to read

shall be



I shall be able to read.

may- могу

(допустимость совершения действия: разрешение или отказ)

To be allowed(to)- иметь разрешение





is allowed(to)


He may take it.

He is allowed to take it.




He might take it.

He was allowed to take it.

shall be



He will be allowed to take it.

must - должен

to have (to)- быть вынужденным в силу обстоятельств

to be (to)- быть обязанным в силу плана или договора







is (to)


He must meet him.

He has to meet him.

He is to meet him.

had (to)


were (to)

He had(was) to meet him.





be (to)


He will be (have) to meet him



to have (to)

to be(to)

ought to



to be able(to)/to be unable(to)

физическая, умственная возможность


to be allowed(to)/to be permitted(to)




1. Translate into English using modals.

1. Он умеет говорить по-английски. 2. Я мог бегать очень быстро, когда я был мальчиком. 3. Я могу помочь им. 4. Эти книги можно взять в библиотеке. 5. Я должен ехать туда завтра. 6. Я должен встать рано. 7. Ты можешь взять эту книгу. 8. Они должны выучить этот урок. 9. Можно я открою окно? 10. Вам не нужно приходить так. 11. Вы должны быть осторожнее.
2. Translate into English using modals .

1. You should increase the width of the bridge. 2. Control may be simply mechanical, electrical, electronic or a combination. 3. Bacteria may exist even on good products without any harmful action. 4. One ought to remember that Lodygin was the first inventor of the incandescent lamp. 5. You need to go to the chemical laboratory to carry out this experiment. 6. Thus we were obliged to use gaseous heavy hydrogen for our experiments. 7. You ought to know that since all meridians and the equator are great circles, the minute scales on these elements of the map may be used to measure lengths. 8. One ought to be careful when experimenting with inflammable materials. 9. Careful attention must be paid to the construction of this unit. 10. One can calculate the distances between ions crystals if ionic is known.
3. Make up sentences in Past /Future/ Indefinite.


She must read this book.

She had to read this book.

She will have to read this book.

1. The scientists must study the composition of this substance. 2. The engineer must know well the properties of engineering materials. 3. The giant molecules must be composed of large numbers of smaller units. 4. We must use a telescope in order to see certain stars. 5. Everybody must study his specialty very well. 6. We must widely use computers in different branches of science and engineering. 7. A meteorologist must make about one million of operations for the accurate forecasting of the weather. 8. A computer must give information.


She can play tennis well.

She could play tennis well.

She will be able to play tennis well.

1. They can show their achievements. 2. This example can illustrate these figures. 3. The first electronic computer can work very quickly. 4. Theory cannot exist without practice. 5. A robot can simulate the functions of a human being. 6. These self-learning cybernetic systems can collect various data. 7. An automatic pilot can control an air-plane. 8. The machine can solve differential equations. 9. Water can exist as a gas and as a solid.


You may take this book.

You were allowed to take this book.

You will be allowed to take this book.

  1. They may continue the experiment. 2. We may divide electronic computers into two groups. 3. A computer may transform any new information into a more useful form. 4. The molecule may overcome the force of attraction. 5. The worker may measure the efficiency of the motor. 6. This scientists may investigate new means of production. 7. He may use these scientific books for his report.

4. Translate into Russian.

1. Using radioactive isotopes, biologists and agriculturalists will be able to carry out research impossible by any other method. 2. Today machines have to withstand such tremendous stresses and to be able of such complex motions that complicated and specialized calculation taking hundreds of factors into account are needed in the design of quite a simple machine like a motor-car engine. 3. In the shortest time possible we are to start production new generations of machines and equipment, which would allow us to increase productivity several times and to find a way the application of advanced technologies. 4. Our laboratory has to launch a new programme this month. 5. This scientist was allowed to take park in all-union conference on automobile designing. 6. The technologist is to solve practical problems. 7. She is allowed to use this new device for testing her design.
5. Translate into Russian paying attention on modals with Passive Indefinite.


+ Indefinite Passive

(be + P II)

= нужно

+ прочитать


= необходимо


+ be read

= нужно


= необходимо


+ Indefinite Passive (be read)

= можно

+ прочитать



+ Indefinite Passive (be read)

= нельзя

1. All the preparations should be completed in a week. 2. The engines should be made as simple as possible. 3. Electricity can be transmitted over long distances. 4. The TV set should be taken to the shop. 5. Nature gas can be used instead of gas made from coal. 6. Heat cannot be weighed. 7. At ordinary temperatures and over temperature intervals which are not too great, specific heat may be considered constant. 8. Heat is a form of energy and must be measured in the units in which energy is measured. 9. Parts for this submarine could not be ordered, they had to be designed, nothing could be copied from another ship’s engine. 10. The oil may be stored in the tanks from which ships called oil-tankers carry it to many countries.
6. Translate into Russian paying attention on modals with Perfect Indefinite.


+ Perfect Indefinite

(have + P II)

должно быть



= возможно

Hemayhavereadthearticle. - Он, возможно (должно быть), прочитал статью.



+not + Perfect Indefinite

= не может быть

Hecannothaveswumtheriver. - Не может быть, чтобы он переплыл реку.



+ Perfect Indefinite

= мог (ли) бы

He could have swum the river. - Он мог бы переплыть реку.



+ Perfect Indefinite

должен был бы (обязан)

= следовало бы

Heshouldhavereadthearticle. - Ему следовало бы прочитать эту статью.

  1. He cannot have broken the device. 2. He must have made a mistake in calculations that the experiment failed. 3. This method could have been more effective in our experiment. 4. You should have been more attentive, there are so many mistakes in your exercises. 5. This law must have been discovered by some famous mathematician. 6. This student must have been studying physics for a long time. 7. You should have tested the device more carefully considering its importance. 8. When a magnet is broken in two, there will be two new poles, these poles must have existed in the original magnet but without producing external effects since they neutralized each other. 9. He cannot have forgotten this method of integration.

7. Translate into Russian.

  1. This law must have been discovered by some famous mathematician. 2. His theory is to be applied in mathematics. 3. He cannot have forgotten this method of integration. 4. Our comrades must be now preparing for their exam in higher mathematics. 5. The people had to study and learn, to acquire technical skills and to master the art of management. 6. All the units of a new tractor can be produced at this plant. 7. This scientist was allowed to take part in the all-union conference on automobile designing. 8. We were obliged to use gaseous heavy hydrogen for our experiments.9 . The engines should be made as simple as possible. 10 He must have carried out this experiment.

8. Translate into Russian.

1. Landing lights should be installed on an airplane. 2. Space exploration would be literally impossible without the aid of the computers. 3. He said that he would show the delegation the new model of the ship spoken of everywhere. 4. Since nature does not have these vital things man should create them. 5. They have to determine this substance. 6. In the order to make a shock wave, one has to liberate energy very rapidly. 7. Many experiments are to be made to increase the engine efficiency. 8. This gigantic plan is to be completed in the short period of five years. 9. You are to test the behavior of newly-developed plastic in all temperature conditions.

Инфинитив – неличная форма глагола, обладающая признаками глагола и существительного. Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to. Чаще всего инфинитив употребляется после глагола в личной форме, либо после модального глагола.

Формы инфинитива

Активный залог

Пассивный залог

Simple (Indefinite)

to ask

to be asked


to be asking


to have asked

to have been asked

Perfect Continuous

to have been asking

Синтаксические функции инфинитива в предложении и способы их перевода на русский язык

Инфинитив может выступать в предложении как подлежащее, часть сказуемого, дополнение, определение, обстоятельство.

1. Подлежащее'>Подлежащее - To ask not easy.

Спрашивать не легко.

2. Часть модального сказуемого - They are to come soon.

Они должны прийти вскоре.

3. Дополнение - He likes to do this work.

Он любит делать эту работу.

4. Подлежащее после безличных оборотов - It is necessary to master this speciality.

Необходимо овладеть этой специальностью.

5. Часть составного глагольного сказуемого - The aim of our research work is to find the necessary data.

Цель нашей задачи заключается в том, чтобы найти необходимые данные.

6. Определение - The material to be used has been carefully examined.

Вещество, которое будет применяться, тщательно исследовано.

7.Обстоятельство_цели'>Обстоятельство цели To know English well you have to work hard.

Для того, чтобы знать английский язык хорошо, вы должны успешно работать.

9. Обстоятельство действия This new method is not accurate enough to give any definite results.

Этот новый метод недостаточно точен, для того чтобы дать какие-либо определенные результаты.